Hi,  My app writes 100K rows per seconds to a C* cluster (including 30 nodes 
and using version 3.11.2). There are 20 threads, each writing 10K (list size in 
below code is 100K) statements using async API: for (Statement s:list) {     
ResultSetFuture future = session.executeAsync(s);     tasks.add(future);     if 
(tasks.size() < 10000)         continue;     for (ResultSetFuture t:tasks)      
   t.getUninterruptibly(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);     tasks.clear(); } if 
(tasks.size() != 0) {     for (ResultSetFuture t:tasks)         
t.getUninterruptibly(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } CPU usage for my loader 
application is > 80% on a Xeon 20 core, using sample on jvisualvm find out 
these at top by percentage of all CPU time: 
io.netty.channel.epoll.Native.epollWait0 40% 
 10% com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHanlder.init 10% It seems like that, it 
checks for finishing all tasks every some nano seconds. Is there any workaround 
to decrease CPU usage of my application, which currently is the bottleneck? 
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