Here is my list of projects that I want to see through in the next seven to
ten years.  I could do any of them in that time frame easy enough but doing
all of them in that time frame means I'll need lots of help.  


I'm sixty years old.  I might already be half way through my life.  Why do I
need to end up with all the money they are worth?


You can do any of them you want.  Do one independently, one with others,
hire me to help with some, and so on; options abound. Maybe one of the
projects is especially compelling to you.  


I might start a GitHub repository for each one.  What do you think?  Good


It's a very fun group of projects that is for sure!


Feel free to propose a presentation for one of Lynn's events:  based on one or more of
these projects. I think it helps to have projects that we share that we can
talk about. Say, who wouldn't want to see Jeff Jira pick through my project
list and offer me time saving advice for an hour right in front of everyone.


I'm fully aware that I'm distributing this list in front of lots of giant
companies with talented teams. Giant companies like Apple, Tesla, Google,
IBM and Amazon have the liquid cash and some of the talent they will need to
just do all of these projects right now.  The science and technology to do
them already exists.  I bet big companies could generate a trillion dollars
in worldwide revenue from these programs.  That's fine.  Hopefully they will
hire me and lots of my new friends on this list to help.  


Using your skills to make the world a better place is good.  Here are the
projects.  Comments welcome:


1.            Understanding and Building on the Design of the Human Brain:
using a graph database to better understand how the human brain works, and
its neuroplasticity, the behavior and traits as a result; what can go wrong
and how behaviors are changed by it; and more.

2.            Understanding the Coding of the Human Machine: A project to
decode all the coding in the human body to better understand rare diseases
with genetic or code-like components.

3.            Social Program AI Admin: A project that combines internet of
things and artificial intelligence to administer social programs in real
time at scale with far lower administrative costs than is currently

4.            Society Scoreboard: A project that connects internet of things
in real time streams with business intelligence to create better ways to
understand, compare and monitor the outcomes of various societies relating
to the ability of each individual to meet their needs and live a beneficial
lifestyle of their choosing. 

5.            Distributed Firefighting Robots: A project to create remote
controlled intelligent heat resistant firefighting robots that can go into
hot fires to fight them instead of us sending human firefighters in harm's
way.  Some robots would specialize in buildings in urban areas and some
would specialize in rough open terrain and remote areas.

6.            Non-Lethal Creature Catchers: A project to provide non-lethal
robotic solutions to replace every situation where lethal force is now used
in the apprehension or termination of people and other creatures.  

7.            Intelligent Redevelopment Robots: A project to create a system
of intelligent robots that can go into a resource poor area, undeveloped or
post-catastrophic and develop the area so it is inhabitable.

8.            Intelligent Remote Controllable Flood Response Robots: A
project to create a system of smart robots that can systematically seek out
and assist people in a community who are trapped by high flood waters.

9.            Intelligent Flee the Disaster Assistance Robots: A project to
create a distributed system of intelligent robots capable of delivering
sustenance to a community that is fleeing an area in mass with nothing but
what they can carry due to conflict, an accident or a natural disaster.

10.          Distributed Earth Sculpting Robotic Systems: A project relating
to distributed earth sculpting robotic systems to solve environmental
challenges where scaling up a work force to do such work was always beyond
the available human labor and heavy equipment required.

11.          Intelligent Continental Water Grid and Redistribution Systems:
A project relating to creating intelligent continental water grids capable
of redistributing excess rain water to protect the areas that would be
damaged by the excess water and to distribute that water where it is badly
needed elsewhere instead of letting it empty back into the sea.

12.          Slender Cassandra Cluster: a reference project soon to be a
part of the official Apache Cassandra documentation, with guidance on
configuring and operating a modest Cassandra cluster of about 18 nodes
suitable for study, demonstrations, experimentation and testing.

13.          Personal and Professional Development Initiative: A project
that uses artificial intelligence and block chains to assemble bodies of
knowledge and competencies, assess competencies, identify gaps in desired
competencies, identify learning solutions and curate reliable credentials of
competencies demonstrated.

14.          Virtual Distributed Asynchronous Conferences: A project to
provide all the benefits of attending a conference while reaching everyone
in a way where no one is geographically disadvantaged, with no travel time,
no travel expenses and no ticket fees which makes it accessible to a lot of
people that otherwise would have to miss out, and with lower production
costs and simpler administrative workloads that allow faster


Kenneth Brotman

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