The Commons IO team is pleased to announce the Commons IO 2.2 release!

Commons IO is a package of Java utility classes like  Classes in
this package are considered to be so standard and of such high reuse as to
justify existence in

The Commons IO library contains utility classes, stream implementations,
file filters, file comparators, endian transformation classes, and much

This is a drop-in replacement for 2.1. A list of the 15 new features, 1
change and 8 bug fixes in this release are found in the release notes and

For general information on Commons IO please visit the website:

The latest version may be downloaded from the following page:

Thanks again to all involved in the release, both Commons users and
Commons developers.

Commons IO Package Version 2.2

Changes in this version include:

New features:
o IO-313:  Add IOUTils.toBufferedReader(Reader) Thanks to ggregory.
o IO-308:  Allow applications to provide buffer (or size) for copyLarge
methods. Thanks to Manoj Mokashi.
o IO-305:  New copyLarge() method in IOUtils that takes additional offset,
length arguments Thanks to Manoj Mokashi.
o IO-287:  Use terabyte (TB), petabyte (PB) and exabyte (EB) in
FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(long size) Thanks to Ron Kuris, Gary
o IO-173:  FileUtils.listFiles() doesn't return directories Thanks to
Marcos Vinícius da Silva.
o IO-297:  CharSequenceInputStream to efficiently stream content of a
CharSequence Thanks to Oleg Kalnichevski.
o IO-304:  The second constructor of Tailer class does not pass 'delay' to
the third one Thanks to liangly.
o IO-303:  TeeOutputStream does not call branch.close() when main.close()
throws an exception Thanks to fabian.barney.
o IO-302:  ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in BOMInputStream when reading a
file without BOM multiple times Thanks to jsteuerwald, detinho.
o IO-301:  Add IOUtils.closeQuietly(Selector) necessary Thanks to
o IO-292:  IOUtils.closeQuietly() should take a ServerSocket as a parameter
Thanks to sebb.
o IO-290:  Add read/readFully methods to IOUtils Thanks to sebb.
o IO-288:  Supply a ReversedLinesFileReader Thanks to Georg Henzler.
o IO-291:  Add new function FileUtils.directoryContains. Thanks to
o IO-275:  FileUtils.contentEquals and IOUtils.contentEquals - Add option
to ignore "line endings"
        Added contentEqualsIgnoreEOL methods to both classes Thanks to CJ

Fixed Bugs:
o IO-311: ignores the offset parameter
Thanks to Robert Muir.
o IO-312:  CharSequenceInputStream(CharSequence s, Charset charset, int
bufferSize) ignores bufferSize
o IO-300:  FileUtils.moveDirectoryToDirectory removes source directory if
destination is a subdirectory
o IO-307:  ReaderInputStream#read(byte[] b, int off, int len) should check
for valid parameters
o IO-306:  ReaderInputStream#read(byte[] b, int off, int len) should always
return 0 for length == 0
o IO-276:  "FileUtils#deleteDirectoryOnExit(File)" does not work Thanks to
o IO-273: treats max differently from[]...) Thanks to sebb.
o IO-298:  Various methods of class ''
incorrectly suppress '' Thanks to Christian Schulte.

o IO-296:  ReaderInputStream optimization: more efficient reading of small
chunks of data Thanks to Oleg Kalnichevski.

Compatibility with 2.1 and 1.4:
Binary compatible: Yes
Source compatible: Yes
Semantic compatible: Yes. Check the bug fixes section for semantic bug fixes

Commons IO 2.2 requires a minimum of JDK 1.5.
Commons IO 1.4 requires a minimum of JDK 1.3.

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