start with DefaultNavigator selecting the Iterator that most closely works for 
the level you need to work with
calculate  the delta(s) as necessary

Martin Gainty 
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> From:
> Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 11:08:54 +0100
> Subject: [jxpath] Walk the path.
> To:
> Dear Group.
> Firstly, I have been using JXPath for over two years and am very grateful
> for what is a wonderful tool.
> I do have one question though. I currently use XPath to navigate a Java
> Bean object graph, where each object implements a Map. However, I now need
> to be able to calculate the interdependencies between different expressions
> against an object graph.
> For example, in the case of the path:
> /foo/bar/tomorrow = 1 and /foo/two/three = 0
> I would, ideally, like to be able to be able to make a call that returns
> the object for each axis of each expression. And so would return an array
> of Pointers for: [ foo, bar, tomorrow, two, three]
> However, I suspect there is no utility class to do this, and was hoping I
> could gain access to the parse tree for an expression and then walk each
> axis of each path myself. However, I cannot see a way of doing this either,
> or if it is at all possible?
> Once again, thank you for this library, and I should be in your debt for
> any assistance that can be provided.
> Kind regards.
> Orlando.

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