Represents a direct connection, or the absence of a proxy.


          Represents proxy for high level protocols such as HTTP or FTP.


          Represents a SOCKS (V4 or V5) proxy.
//in your case since you need to authentication via username and proxy you'll 
want to specify SOCKS
//then Generating a proxy you will need 2 parameters Proxy.Type which is SOCKS  

//then generate a SocketAddress
InetSocketAddress(String hostname,
                  int port)

for your 2nd parameter SocketAddress

public Proxy(Proxy.Type type,
             SocketAddress sa)

Now you finally have a non-null valid Proxy object which is supplied as the 
parameter to URL.openConnection
then openConnection thru the proxy to the existing URL object is described at

You're going to need 
catch(IoException exp)
so Be aware of timeout issues as you need to establish a Socket connection thru 
the Proxy

//if you're getting IOExceptions you're going to have to need to create a 
object of SocketImpl with a proxy
 public PlainSocketImpl(Proxy proxy) {

//then connecting with specific SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT
public void setOption(int optID, Object val) throws SocketException {
  318           if (optID == SocketOptions.SO_TIMEOUT) {

//then connecting using a specific timeout parameter
  218        * Connects this socket to the specified remote host address/port.
  219        * 
  220        * @param anAddr
  221        *            the remote host address to connect to
  222        * @param aPort
  223        *            the remote port to connect to
  224        * @param timeout
  225        *            a timeout where supported. 0 means no timeout
  226        * @throws IOException
  227        *             if an error occurs while connecting
  228        */
  229       private void connect(InetAddress anAddr, int aPort, int timeout)
  230               throws IOException {

Martin Gainty 
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> Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2012 07:02:56 -0700
> Subject: http proxy API
> From:
> To:
> <Subject changed to reflect the contents>
> > Is there an API that can perform some diagnostics to verify the http proxy
> > configuration:
> >
> >  some thing like: boolean verifyProxyConfiguration(hostname, port,
> > basicAuth, username, passwd)
> >
> >  This method would do http  CONNECT handshake with the proxy and returns
> > success/failure. It would be be nice to capture any error message as well.
> >
> >


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