Hi Bernd,

Thanks for your reply. When I tried this again today 


returns the following (impressive) list of schemes:

        [zip, par, ftps, res, ftp, sar, war, file, gz, tmp, http4s, ear, ejb3, 
jar, sftp, http4, ram]


        VFS.getManager().resolveFile("ftp://ftp.gnu.org/README";, opts);
works as expected. So I don’t know what happened but it looks like I spent a 
lot of time chasing a ghost. Oh well, at least I learned a thing or two.

Thanks for your help anyway.


> I think the problem in your case is that the default filesystem manager does 
> not know about the ftp: scheme. The error message is a bit missleading (since 
> a fix done, probably we should file a bug for this).
> The default manager does try to load the FtpProvider and tries to register it 
> with ftp: so I assume loading of the provider failed. Maybe you are missing 
> dependencies like commons-net (see the website for the dependencies per 
> provider).
> For debugging you can print manager.getSchemes() to see the available schemes 
> (providers).
> Gruss
> Bernd
> --
> http://bernd.eckenfels.net
> ________________________________
> Von: Erwin Hogeweg <erwin.hoge...@me.com.invalid>
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, Oktober 30, 2019 3:29 AM
> An: Commons Users List
> Betreff: commons-vfs-2.4.1 - Question re. usage of VFS.getManager()
> All -
> I am trying to set up a VFS but I struggled a while to get past a 
> FileSystemException. After looking at the VFS source code I understood what 
> was going on, and I was able to create a work-around. However, I am not sure 
> that what I hacked together is the right approach so I am looking for some 
> guidance from the experts here…
> This is what I was trying to do:
> FileObject path = VFS.getManager().resolveFile("ftp://ftp.gnu.org/README";, 
> new FileSystemOptions());
> The issue is, or at least appears to be, that the FileSystemManager doesn’t 
> have a baseFile so the resolveFile blows up with this exception:
> org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException: Could not find file with URI 
> "ftp://ftp.gnu.org/README"; because it is a relative path, and no base URI was 
> provided.
> at 
> org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException.requireNonNull(FileSystemException.java:87)
> I could not find how/where to define that baseFile so I eventually settled on 
> this work-around:
> StandardFileSystemManager fsManager = (StandardFileSystemManager) 
> VFS.getManager(); // YUCK!
> fsManager.setBaseFile(new File("")); // Another YUCK.
> FileObject path = fsManager.resolveFile("ftp://ftp.gnu.org/README";, opts);
> That works, and now I end up with the correct (expected) path. It doesn’t 
> feel right though so any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Erwin

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