Hi Thomas,
I am not aware of a parser that supports this format i [configuration]. Looking 
at JIRA, the closest I found was CONFIGURATION-324, which appears to work with 
the code from master (didn't have time to check out the latest release).
But the CONFIGURATION-324 requires a \ at the end of the value. I tested your 
file, and if you add a space + \ at the end of the configuration files, then it 

I think if nobody else replies here, if you could create an issue in JIRA 
that'd be great, as eventually someone would volunteer to add that either to an 
existing parser, or to a new one.
I tested Python 3's configparser std lib module, and it parses your file 
successfully with no changes (`config['core']['links']` returns the data as-is, 
with the line-breaks etc).


    On Friday, 15 November 2019, 10:47:23 am NZDT, Thomas Francart 
<thomas.franc...@sparna.fr> wrote:  

>From my test it looks like multiline values in INI files are not supported
by commons-configuration2. I need to parse files like this one :
and if I access configuration entry like "glottolog" on line 19 I am
getting an empty string since the values are on the following lines.

ConfigParser in Python does support multiline values :

Is there an option I missed in the INIConfiguration to handle multiline
values ? or is completely out of hope ?



*Thomas Francart* -* SPARNA*
Web de *données* | Architecture de l'*information* | Accès aux
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tel :  +33 (0), skype : francartthomas  

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