I have a jxpath expression question. 


Map m = new HashMap();

    Map[] dd = new HashMap[2];

    dd[0] = new HashMap();

    dd[0].put("tag", "10");

    dd[0].put("score", "100");

    dd[1] = new HashMap();

    dd[1].put("tag", "11");

    dd[1].put("score", "90");

    Map ddk = new HashMap();

    ddk.put("dataDescription", dd);

    m.put("Values", ddk);


    JXPathContext xpathContext = IDataJXPathContext.newContext(m);

    Object works  =
xpathContext.getValue("//dataDescription[tag='10']");   //This returns
the correct data as expected

    Object doesntWork  =
xpathContext.getValue("//.[@name='dataDescription'][tag='10']"); // This
does not bring up anything



I have to use @name as the actual names have special characters in them.
Can anybody help with what the correct syntax for this should be ?






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