Attendees: Arina, John O, Subhu, Vitalii, Hakim, Parth, Aman, Paul,
Jinfeng, Aditya, Zelaine

1) John noted that he's hitting a lot of problems with Drill scripts.  Paul
indicated that he's fixing a lot of these issues as part of his work to
integrate Drill with YARN.  John said he's writing up a document outlining
his findings that he will share with the community in a few days.

2) John suggested adding a new description field to sys.options as a way of
documenting the different system configuration options, as he's been
struggling to make sense of some of the options.  He's logged DRILL-4699
for this enhancement.  During the discussion, it was also noted that Drill
isn't being consistent in the naming convention of some of the current
options.  From a backward compatibility standpoint, it may not be possible
to rename existing options, but for the future, we should publish some
guidelines to ensure future consistency.

3) Aditya has a pull request for DRILL-4199 to upgrade to HBase 1.1.3.
Jacques has reviewed the change, but Aditya would like another pair of eyes
on the change.  Aditya will reach out to Steven to see if he can take a
look at the change.  He'll also reach out to QA to ensure this is on the QA

4) Arina is making updates to DRILL-4571, based on feedback from Krystal.
Since DRILL-4571 is already marked resolved, she asked whether she should
open a new Jira or reuse the existing one.  The suggestion was to open a
new one and link the new one back to DRILL-4571.

5) Vitalii is working on DRILL-3510 to make double quotes an alternative to
backtick.  Due to audio difficulties, we couldn't discern his specific
question.  So, it was suggested that he post his question on the dev list.

6) John is encountering a problem where garbage collection is putting his
cluster into a bad state.  He asked whether he should open a ticket with
MapR support or continue to seek out help from the community.  It was
suggested that he do both.

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