Re: Approach to Auto Scaling Flink Job

2019-05-11 Thread Anil
Thanks Rong. FlinkForward talk was insightful. One more question, it's mentioned in the talk that the jobs are running on Yarn and are monitored by containers running on Docker. Can you explain why is Docker needed here. When we deploy job to Yarn, one Yarn container is already dedicated for Job

Re: 请教集群稳定性问题

2019-05-11 Thread naisili Yuan
好的,谢谢回复。 想问下,生产环境适合用standalone cluster模式部署嘛,我感觉集群还是不稳定,10个job跑不了24小时就出问题,基本都是心跳丢失或者slot 被移除之类的问题。 但是我部署flink on yarn又出了问题,自己解决半天也出了问题,希望能得到帮助,我运行bin/ -jm 1024m -tm 4096m -s 8报错: 2019-05-12 11:02:39,056 INFO org.apache.flink.configuration.GlobalConfiguration- Loading