Hello All,

I'm *very* new to Flink.  I read through the documentation and played with some 
sample code, but I'm struggling to get started with my requirements.

We want to use Flink to maintain windowed aggregates as part of a transaction 
monitoring application.  These would use sliding window definitions.  An 
example would be:  "Total amount for CASH transactions in the last 5 days".   
Here's what I need my Flink application to do:

1.      Prepare for transaction processing by reading historical aggregates and 
building windows

2.      For each new transaction:

a.      Update the windowed aggregate with the new transaction data

b.      Find the window that matches the incoming time stamp and add the 
aggregate value to the transaction

c.      Send enhanced transaction (original fields + aggregates from matching 
window) to downstream processor via RabbitMQ or Kafka sink

For every transaction coming in, I want one (and only one) output that contains 
the original transaction fields plus the aggregates.

I see how to do the code to create the window assigner and the code that 
incrementally maintains the aggregates.  I'm not sure how I could join this 
back to the original transaction record, appending the aggregate values from 
the window that matches the transaction date stamp.  This seems like a join of 
some kind to me, but I don't know how to implement in in Flink.

I'm hoping someone could reply with some simple code (or even pseudo code) to 
get me started on the "join"  part of the above data flow.  Please let me know 
if I need to clarify.


Tim Stearn

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