Hi Igal, thanks for your help.
If I understood correctly, the flink deployments (not the functions) needs
to use the same image right? Which means that the flink master and all
workers still needs to use the same image which includes the module.yaml and
the jar with embedded modules of the full project, right?
I was looking for something different: scale the workers independently,
together with the functions. I'm trying to experiment something here: 

In this project I'm trying to deploy separately:

* ingress
* egress
* "mapper" function
* "greeter" function

They're all "embedded functions" and I wish to deploy each piece separately
in a separate deployment.
In the next iteration of the experiment I wish to create "remote functions"
deploying them in the same pod of the workers, so the worker talks to the
image using localhost.

Hence my question: Is it possible to deploy one worker per function/group of
functions and compose my application of multiple heterogeneous worker
images? If not, does it make sense to do it or it's just no sense for
statefun architecture?


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