Thank you Igal. The remote functions from different language can be "mixed" by 
deploying different unit services in Dockerfile, and they can exchange messages 
by common message types like json, protobuf etc, or even connect together by 
in/out kafka topics, right? 

At 2022-02-16 22:30:27, "Igal Shilman" <> wrote:

You can take a look at the flink stateful functions playground[1] where you can 
find  a handful of examples, in all the supported
SDKs, in addition for each language you will find a walkthrough that shows how 
to use the individual SDK features.
Furthermore take a look at the documentations [2][3].

Generally, remote functions from different languages can be mixed, you can 
deploy a Python function and a Java function
that can send messages to each other using the built-in type system[4].


Good luck,

On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 3:32 AM casel.chen <> wrote:

I am looking for polyglot example of stateful functions and learn how to 
program functions with different language then deploy them together as a unit 
of event driven application.
Examples like Fraud Detection which use python functions in ML while use java 
funtions to process data etc. Thanks!


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