Re: starting flink job from bash script with maven

2015-07-24 Thread Stephan Ewen
Thanks for letting us know! The problem with Java Serialization is that they often swallow exceptions and you only see a corrupted byte stream in the end. So far, I have found no workaround for that. Stephan On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 11:31 AM, Stefano Bortoli wrote: It

Re: Yarn configuration

2015-07-24 Thread Robert Metzger
Hi Michele, configuring a YARN cluster to allocate all available resources as good as possible is sometimes tricky, that is true. We are aware of these problems and there are actually the following two JIRAs for this: (Change the YARN Client to

Yarn configuration

2015-07-24 Thread Michele Bertoni
Hi everybody, i need a help on how to configure a yarn cluster I tried a lot of conf but none of them was correct We have a cluster on amazon emr let's say 1manager+5worker all of them are m3.2xlarge then 8 core each and 30 GB of RAM each What is a good configuration for such cluster? I would

Re: Flink Kafka cannot find org/I0Itec/zkclient/serialize/ZkSerializer

2015-07-24 Thread Wendong
Below is the build.sbt I am using (also include project/assembly.sbt) : //- Start build.sbt --- version := 1.0 scalaVersion := 2.10.4 libraryDependencies ++= Seq(org.apache.flink % flink-scala % 0.9.0, org.apache.flink % flink-clients % 0.9.0)