You can’t as Chesnay have already said, but for your usecase you could use 
arguments instead of JVM option and they will work equally good. 
Best Regards,

Wysłane z aplikacji Poczta dla Windows 10

Od: Chesnay Schepler
Wysłano: środa, 5 września 2018 11:43
Do: zpp; user@flink.apache.org
Temat: Re: How to add jvm Options when using Flink dashboard?

You can't set JVM options when submitting through the Dashboard. This cannot be 
implemented since no separate JVM is spun up when you submit a job that way.

On 05.09.2018 11:41, zpp wrote:
I wrote a task using Typesafe config. It must be pointed config file position 
using jvm Options like "-Dconfig.resource=dev.conf".
How can I do that with Flink dashboard?
Thanks for the help!


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