Hi community,

Prior to my presentation [1], I'd like to share a Python script [2] to discover 
Flink clusters on YARN and let Prometheus know via its file-based service 
discovery mechanism [3].

Prometheus needs to pull metrics from Prometheus exporters running inside 
The problem is that, as also discussed in [4], we cannot know in advance hosts 
and ports to which Prometheus exporters are bound.
As Chesnay mentioned in [4], unless the information as to which the exporters 
are bound is exposed by Flink's REST APIs, the only way is to manually scrape 
logs of JM and TMs.
Then you need to let Prometheus know where to pull metrics from.

The script is intended to automate the manual process.
Please visit the git repository for the detailed information.


- Dongwon

[2] https://github.com/eastcirclek/flink-service-discovery 

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