David Crossley wrote:


Then I reduced the site.xml to a minimum ...

But you reduced the site.xml to a completely empty file.

...but I still have

index.html BROKEN: The string "--" is not permitted within comments.

Forrest has to start indexing from somewhere, by default that is index.html, reducing site.xml to nothing will make no difference if you have an error in index.xml.

I believe your index.xml file is not valid due to an edit you have made.

I will try to find time to following the procedure myself.

David, to save you some time, I built a test plugin yesterday when I first saw this report. I followed the How_To and it all worked fine for me.

Paul, please start again, but before editing anything do 'ant test' it should (and does on my system) work without any problems. Once you know you have a working plugin then try copying your index.html file from the broken one into the new one. Does it still work?

This will at least confirm or disprove my suspicions.
