Sean Schofield wrote:
> Greetings.  We're trying to use the mirror documentation on your site
> to generate a mirror page but we're running into a problem.  The
> .ihtml page is not converting into .html when we run forrest.  We run
> into the same problem building the forrest site included in the distro
> as well.
> What are we missing here?

Ah, you have hit on a known problem. Hmm, i thought that i
had raised a Jira issue for it but i hadn't. Done now.

Your project's Cocoon cli.xconf tells it to process the
extra URI mirrors.html and the cli.xconf also tells it
where to put the output, i.e. the "build/site/" directory.

However it gets generated into main/site/ instead.
(Location specific to 0.7-dev.)

A bug definitely, but whose bug?

I need to update that mirror documentation before release.
Did you have any difficulty following it? Other than the fact
that i completely neglected the bug, sorry.

> TIA,
> sean
> ps. You may want to add to your list of sites using
> Forrest ;-)

Will do, thanks.


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