Hello everyone!

Back to the survey, this are the results:


Hahaha :) Well, maybe someone sent the answer to alfonsonishik...@apache.org
and there is some issues. If so, please write me to the email address of
this email (so I am aware that something fails).
Otherwise, meh, shit happens ;)

@Carlos Muñoz: Sorry, I can't give you information about usage of nulls and
composite keys :( I tried my best.



Alfonso Nishikawa

2018-06-26 21:24 GMT-01:00 Alfonso Nishikawa <alfonso.nishik...@gmail.com>:

> Hello everyone,
> I have decided to create a poll on Apache Gora usage to answer 3 questions
> that will be much useful to prioritize new features to implement in some
> ongoing developments. Two of them are related to the related to the Ignite
> backend being developed and the other one is related to a visual tool for
> accessing data.
> Answer the questions may take at most 3 minutes.
> The answers can be sent to my email alfonsonishik...@apache.org or the
> one in the 'from' of this one to not spam everyone. I will create a summary
> afterwards.
> Please, send the answers before (including) the 4th of July.
> * Questions related to Ignite backend under development:
> 1 - ¿Do you use any schema with 3-union fields?
>     For example "type: ['null', 'integer', 'string']"
> 2 - ¿Do you use composite keys? (HBase does not support it, but other
> backends do)
> * Questions related to https://www.goraexplorer.com (admin:admin)
> (please, don't destroy the application, I have to use it this 3rd of july
> as a degree project ;P)
> 3 - What backends do you use with Apache Gora?
> Thanks in advance to all participants.
> Regards,
> Alfonso Nishikawa

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