The classpath now seems to be correctly set, but I am getting "cannot find symbol". The error is however not in all classes where the symbol (class name) is used. This gives me the impression that the classes are compiled in the wrong order.

BTW: within eclipse the project compiles with the same classpath with no errors.

rzo wrote:
Found part of the problem:

The pattern for file matching should be:


rzo wrote:

I am new to Gradle and have little knowledge of Ant or Maven.
I am missing an example for a simple script which would just compile and jar a project. The only helpful example I found :

I am trying the following script. But I cannot get Gradle to use the classpath. I also had to comment out the name, since this causes an exception (Readonly property) So the next question is: how do I tell Gradle the name of the jar to generate ?

- Ron


defaultTasks "libs"
//name = 'test'
archivesBaseName = ''
version = 'alpha-4.2'

sourceCompatibility = 1.5

targetCompatibility = 1.5
srcDirNames = ['.']

List findAllJars() {
       result = []
       new File('lib').eachDirRecurse(
           dir ->
             file ->

compile.unmanagedClasspath = findAllJars()

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