On 4/30/24 9:06 AM, David Lomas wrote:

I've set up Guacamole using docker containers using guacamole/guacamole, guacamole/guacd, nginx, and postgres:15.2-alpine and a docker compose yaml file. All appears to be working. I've configured Guacamole to use a local LDAP service, which is in development. For the most part, that's working OK, but if we try to authenticate using a google email address of the form 'gmail.user+te...@gmail.com <mailto:gmail.user%2bte...@gmail.com>', the LDAP server never sees a request from Guacamole. The Guacamole logs show o.a.d.l.c.api.LdapNetworkConnection sending a BIND request, but it never appears at the LDAP server. For example, this is in the docker logs (set to DEBUG level):


Before finally this:

guacamole_compose           | 15:31:09.618 [NioProcessor-12] DEBUG org.apache.directory.api.CODEC_LOG - MSG_14002_DECODED_LDAP_MESSAGE (MessageType : BIND_RESPONSE
guacamole_compose           | Message ID : 1
guacamole_compose           |     BindResponse
guacamole_compose           |         Ldap Result
guacamole_compose           |             Result code : (INVALID_DN_SYNTAX) invalidDNSyntax
guacamole_compose           |             Matched Dn : ''
guacamole_compose           |             Diagnostic message : ''
guacamole_compose           | )

Removing the '+' sign from the email address works fine, as does surrounding the entire email address with double-quotes. But of course those fail authentication at the LDAP end.

LDAP appears to require certain characters to be escaped, including '+', which probably explains why it's failing. Is this a bug in the LDAP auth extension? Or some other configuration I'm missing?

We don't directly touch the LDAP protocol within Guacamole, but this may be a bug in the Apache Directory LDAP API (the LDAP library that we use inside Guacamole's LDAP support):


I'll see if I can reproduce this with a test LDAP server and maybe glean more info.

- Mike

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