I am getting the same error message occasionally with a RDP connection using 
mstsc.exe or vmconnect.exe instead of Guacamole, also targeting a Windows 10 
(virtual) system. Usually I restart the target system and after restart the 
connection is working fine again. Therefore it may be a bug in Windows and not 
Guacamole. Did you try to restart the target system already?

Regards, Joachim


Von: Joe Gullo <surfroc...@surfrock66.com> 
Gesendet: Tuesday, 29 December 2020 17:26
An: user@guacamole.apache.org
Betreff: User session locked in use and cannot reset?


Per the recommendation on the Jira tracker, I'm posting this issue to the 
mailing list.  I don't think this is a bug per se, but I can't figure out how 
to unlock this session.  I thought it would be something in the database, but 
no amount of searching found anything that looked like it would help.


An RDP session is locked, when I try to connect I get the following message:

The Guacamole server is denying access to this connection because you have 
exhausted the limit for simultaneous connection use by an individual user. 
Please close one or more connections and try again.

I have logged out of that computer, I have restarted that computer.  It is a 
Windows 10 computer.  My user is able to connect to other computers (Windows 10 
and Windows Server 2016) using the same guacamole session.  >From the other 
computers, I am able to successfully RDP into the original problematic 
computer.  From a different (admin) user account I get the same message trying 
to log into the problematic computer.  I logged out of guacamole completely and 
logged back in, same message.  I closed the chrome session entirely, upon 
trying again, same message.  I closed chrome completely, opened an incognito 
tab, same message. 

I have restarted guacd AND rebooted the guacamole server.  I have edited the 
session for this computer to allow "Maximum Number of Connections" to be 5 and 
"Maximum Number of connections per user" to be 5.  From my admin user I have 
been able to kill the user session of the problematic user/computer (or, 
confirm it isn't there) and when I re-start the whole process I get the same 
connection error.

The windows system logs show no errors, but I do believe I am seeing a 
successful authentication attempt.

Somehow, this RDP session is locked and I can't unlock it; my worry is there is 
some database artifact triggering guacd to think the session is alive when it 

The logs in catalina.out show the following:

16:11:18.825 [http-nio-8080-exec-9] ERROR 
o.a.g.w.GuacamoleWebSocketTunnelEndpoint - Creation of WebSocket tunnel to 
guacd failed: Cannot connect. Connection already in use by this user.
16:11:18.896 [http-nio-8080-exec-6] WARN o.a.g.s.GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet - 
HTTP tunnel request rejected: Cannot connect. Connection already in use by this 


Joe Gullo

Sysadmin, Web Designer, Artist


surfroc...@surfrock66.com <mailto:surfroc...@surfrock66.com> 


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