thanks .

but there another issue. here is guacd log


guacd[8]: INFO: Connection "$1b98e104-5690-4678-a8e8-a2b3101beeee" removed.

guacd[8]: INFO: Creating new client for protocol "ssh"

guacd[8]: INFO: Connection ID is "$9723599a-bbf3-49e1-8262-fe04a1c6bb6a"

guacd[3235]: INFO: User "@d2be2022-cbfc-4f16-9300-6a036f153a14" joined 
connection "$9723599a-bbf3-49e1-8262-fe04a1c6bb6a" (1 users now present)

guacd[3235]: ERROR: Creation of recording failed: No such file or directory

guacd[3235]: ERROR: Creation of typescript failed: No such file or directory


it shoud be create dir auto as i config

在 2022-01-26 16:03:40,"Mike Jumper" <> 写道:

On Tue, Jan 25, 2022, 23:59 Simon <> wrote:

-------- Forwarding messages --------

From: "Simon" <>
Date: 2022-01-26 15:06:00
Subject: ssh typescripts recording


   I run guacamole 1.4.0 in docker, with mysql authentication.
   I have linked my remote server by ssh, and then i want generate typescripts 
files.I make config for that in guacamole admin, but typescript didn't appear.

 here are my env, and config

docker containers 
in guacamole container
$ pwd
$ ls -l
total 8
drwxrwxrwx 2 guacamole guacamole 4096 Jan 26 06:37 recording
drwxr-xr-x 7 guacamole guacamole 4096 Jan 24 02:37 tomcat

in guacamole admin

then I make a connection, and do some coding

but in docker container has noting generte.
$ pwd
$ ls

anything I do wrong?
please help me with it.

It is guacd that writes the recordings and typescripts, not the Guacamole 

- Mike

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