On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 7:16 AM yitzyb <yit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have several VNC servers where the Authentication method is Single Sign
> On
> (ie. Active Directory).

It's a little unclear to me what this means.  Does your VNC server accept
MS Login credentials for connecting?  Or do you connect to VNC and then
enter your credentials in the Windows login box?  Currently Guacamole only
supports VNC password-based authentication (None/Null should work, as
well), so if your VNC server is expecting both a username and password in
order to establish the VNC connection, Guacamole probably won't work.

> I am unable to connect using Guacamole (the password field is left blank).
> After some time the connection times out.

What version of Guacamole are you running?

You should check logs for both Guacamole Client (your Java app server,
Tomcat/JBOSS/Jetty/etc.) and guacd to see why the connection is failing.
Also try some basic troubleshooting steps:
- Can you connect to other systems with VNC?
- Can you connect to systems using another protocol (SSH, RDP, etc.)?
- Can you connect to this system with something like "vncviewer" running on
the same system where guacd is running?
- Have you verified port numbers, DNS/IP address in the Guacamole
- If you compiled guacd manually, did you compile it with VNC support?


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