On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 5:10 PM kintaroju <jonathan.y.k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently got my Guacamole install working with 0.9.13-incubating, and the
> only issue I have at the moment is to get the Duo extension to load. I've
> checked the /var/log/messages, and the tomcat logs but unfortunately i came
> up empty handed.
How are you installing the extension?  When you say you've just got it
running, are you using other extensions (JDBC, for example), or just the
built-in XML file authentication?

The Tomcat logs are definitely what you want.  Depending on how you're
running Tomcat (installed via package, or direct download), those logs may
be located in one of several different places, or integrated into Syslog.
I tend to not use the package install in CentOS because it's pretty old - I
usually download and extract it to a different location and just run it
from there.  However, you want to be looking at the "catalina.out" file, or
whatever the equivalent is for how logging is configured for your
particular Tomcat instance.

When you say you've come up empty handed, what do you mean?  Do you see any
of the messages about the load process?  Or none at all?

Once you determine where the correct logs are you can put Guacamole Client
into Debug mode.  This is covered in the Configuring Guacamole chapter:


That should give you some more verbose logging and help you track down the

One other note - make sure the components are the same version.  If you've
just got 0.9.13-incubating running, then make sure your Duo extension is
also 0.9.13-incubating.


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