Different outputformats in avro map reduce job

2015-07-08 Thread Nishanth S
Hi All, I have a map reduce job which reads a binary file and needs to output multiple avro files and a textformat file.I was able to output multiplle avro files using (Avromultipleouts).How would I modify the job to output textformat as well along with these avro files.Is it possible.

Re: Different outputformats in avro map reduce job

2015-07-08 Thread Harsh J
You can write out the text file by using a direct HDFS file writer. Your only concern in doing this approach would be the use of proper target directories, which is documented at http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/FAQ#Can_I_write_create.2Fwrite-to_hdfs_files_directly_from_map.2Freduce_tasks.3F. On