On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 11:28 AM Jacob Schlather <jschlat...@hubspot.com>

> I'm currently working on testing out the timeline consistent feature
> https://archive.cloudera.com/cdh5/cdh/5/hbase-0.98.6-cdh5.2.4/book/arch.timelineconsistent.reads.html
> and I
> had a couple of questions.
> 1. I setup region replication on a test cluster and everything seemed to be
> working fine. I was doing get requests with timeline consistency and stale
> results were coming back. Then something happened on the cluster and region
> replication appears to be broken. When I look in the jmx endpoint on a
> region server all of the replicas are empty and I added additionally
> debugging information to the RegionServerCallable and the replica regions
> are returning "The region's reads are disabled. Cannot serve the request".
> I couldn't find anything errors that seemed to indicate what was wrong in
> the region server logs. So, I was wondering what else I could do to debug
> this and where I should be looking.
This is interesting. This happens for any read against any region? Configs
changed under the server and restart? Can you pinpoint when? Seems odd
nothing in logs around this time.

> 2. I've looked through the documentation and I might have missed something.
> But I was wondering if there's any jmx metrics that measure the lag of the
> region replicas or what would have to be done to add these metrics. Hbase
> does expose replication metrics, but these appear to be for inter-cluster
> replication rather than region replicas.
I don't know of any read replica metrics. If you added any, they'd be

Thank Jacob,

> Thanks,
> Jacob

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