HBase Team is pleased to announce the immediate release of HBase 1.0.3.
Download it from your favorite Apache mirror [1] or maven repository.

HBase 1.0.3 is the next “patch” release in the 1.0.x release line and
supersedes all earlier 1.0.x. According to the HBase’s semantic version
guide (See [2]), the release candidate is source and binary compatible
with 1.0.x for client applications and server side libraries (coprocessors,
filters, etc).

Please note that 1.0.3 is the last “scheduled” release in the 1.0.x line of
releases since there is a limited amount of testing and release management
bandwidth. Users are highly encouraged to upgrade to 1.1 line of releases
if possible. However, if there is enough interest, or needed otherwise, we
can still decide to do more releases. Please be encouraged to speak up if
you want us to continue scheduled 1.0.x releases. See the hbase-dev mailing
thread [6] for more information.

1.0.3 release contains 102 fixes on top of 1.0.2 release. Most of
the changes are
bug fixes or test fixes except for the following:

** Sub-task
    * [HBASE-14221] - Reduce the number of time row comparison is done in a
    * [HBASE-14535] - Integration test for rpc connection concurrency /
deadlock testing·
    * [HBASE-14539] - Slight improvement of StoreScanner.optimize
    * [HBASE-14605] - Split fails due to 'No valid credentials' error when
SecureBulkLoadEndpoint#start tries to access hdfs
    * [HBASE-14631] - Region merge request should be audited with request
user through proper scope of doAs() calls to region observer notifications
    * [HBASE-14655] - Narrow the scope of doAs() calls to region observer
notifications for compaction
    * [HBASE-14657] - Remove unneeded API from EncodedSeeker
    * [HBASE-14709] - Parent change breaks graceful_stop.sh on a cluster
    * [HBASE-15031] - Fix merge of MVCC and SequenceID performance
regression in branch-1.0
    * [HBASE-15095] - isReturnResult=false  on fast path in branch-1.1 and
branch-1.0 is not respected

** Brainstorming
    * [HBASE-14869] - Better request latency and size histograms

** Improvement
    * [HBASE-14261] - Enhance Chaos Monkey framework by adding zookeeper
and datanode fault injections.
    * [HBASE-14325] - Add snapshotinfo command to hbase script
    * [HBASE-14436] - HTableDescriptor#addCoprocessor will always make
RegionCoprocessorHost create new Configuration
    * [HBASE-14582] - Regionserver status webpage bucketcache list can
become huge
    * [HBASE-14586] - Use a maven profile to run Jacoco analysis
    * [HBASE-14643] - Avoid Splits from once again opening a closed reader
for fetching the first and last key

** Task
    * [HBASE-14361] - ReplicationSink should create Connection instances

Full list of the issues can be found at

This release (1.0.3) is source, wire and binary compatible with all
previous 1.0.x releases. Client applications do not have to be recompiled
with the new version (unless new API is used) if upgrading from a previous
1.0.x. It is a drop-in replacement.

See release notes for 1.0.0 [2] for compatibility with earlier
versions (0.94, 0.96, 0.98). Compatibility of 1.0.3 with earlier versions
is the same as in 1.0.0.

Source Compatibility:
Client side code in HBase-1.0.x is (mostly) source compatible with 0.98.x
versions. Some minor API changes might be needed from the client side.

Wire Compatibility:
HBase-1.0.x release is wire compatible with 0.98.x releases. Clients and
servers running in different versions as long as new features are not used
should be possible. A rolling upgrade from 0.98.x clusters to 1.0.x is
supported as well.
Rolling upgrade from 0.96 directly to 1.0.x is not supported. 1.0.x is NOT
wire compatible with earlier releases (0.94, etc).

Binary Compatibility:
Binary compatibility at the Java API layer with earlier versions (0.98.x,
0.96.x and 0.94.x) is not supported. You may have to recompile your client
code and any server side code (coprocessors, filters etc) referring to
hbase jars.

This release is rolling upgradable from earlier 1.0.x releases.

See [2] and [3] for upgrade instructions from earlier versions. Upgrading
to 1.0.3 is similar to upgrading to 1.0.0 as documented in [3].

>From 0.98.x : Upgrade from 0.98.x in regular upgrade or rolling upgrade
fashion is supported.

>From 0.96.x : Upgrade from 0.96.x is supported with a shutdown and restart
of the cluster.

>From 0.94.x : Upgrade from 0.94.x is supported similar to upgrade from 0.94
-> 0.96. The upgrade script should be run to rewrite cluster level
metadata. See [3] for details.

Supported Hadoop versions
1.0.x releases support only Hadoop-2.x. Hadoop-2.4.x, Hadoop-2.5.x
and Hadoop 2.6.x releases are the most tested hadoop releases and we
recommend running with those versions (or later versions). Earlier Hadoop-2
based releases (hadoop-2.2.x and 2.3.x) are not tested to the full extend.
More information can be found at [4].

Supported Java versions
1.0.x releases only support JDK7. JDK8 support is experimental. More
information can be found at [5].

1. http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/hbase/
2. https://hbase.apache.org/book/upgrading.html#hbase.versioning
3. http://s.apache.org/hbase-1.0.0-release-notes
4. https://hbase.apache.org/book/configuration.html#hadoop
5. https://hbase.apache.org/book/configuration.html#java
6. http://search-hadoop.com/m/YGbb9X5OqFULUK

Thanks all who worked on this release!

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