Re: date_add statement problem

2015-01-16 Thread Devopam Mittra
hi Yashwanth, Can you please check once if DATE_ADD('1985-01-01', day_key) works for you regards Devopam On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 1:12 PM, Yashwanth M wrote: Hi, I’ve been facing some issues in using date_add() I have column ‘*day_key*’ that is short integer

Re: date_add statement problem

2015-01-16 Thread Jason Dere
Devopam is right, your date format looks wrong (should be -mm-dd rather than /mm/dd. Casting should work, trying this with Hive trunk: hive select c1, date_add('1985-01-01', c1) from short1; FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10014]: Line 1:11 Wrong arguments 'c1': DATE_ADD() only takes

Hive UPDATE : query around usage

2015-01-16 Thread Devopam Mittra
hi All, I wanted to UPDATE multiple rows in a table by joining it with another table for identification of matching records (otherwise in the RDBMS world also commonly known as SET based UPDATE). The idea is to update multiple records in one go , to downsize the lead time for each MR job to kick

Writing Hive Query Output to local system

2015-01-16 Thread Sanjay Subramanian
hey guys I recall this did not happen in the days of 0.9.x version But I use 0.13.x now and when I run a hive query  hive -e select * from tablename ./myfile.txt The first line in myfile.txt is as follows 2015-01-16 10:48:13,091 WARN  [main] conf.HiveConf ( -

Re: Writing Hive Query Output to local system

2015-01-16 Thread
In your hive-site.xml remove the property block corresponding to the parametereç hive.metastore.local That's hit. Is a deprecated parameter and is not necessary anymore. Regards, [image: photo] *Vincenzo Grimaldi* Senior Business Intelligence Consultant p:00 39 380 52 22 218 | m:00 353

Re: Writing Hive Query Output to local system

2015-01-16 Thread Sanjay Subramanian
I am using Cloudera Manager and I know how to add a param thru Safety Valve I don't know how to ignore a param thru Safety Valve :-)  Actually I will put the question on the CDH groups as well... Any thoughts guys ? thanks sanjay From:

Regarding configuration of Storage based authorization in Hive 0.12

2015-01-16 Thread Jim Green
Hi Team, Per the documentation for Hive Storage based authorization in Hive, it has 2 uses: 1. Metastore side authorization 2. Client side authorization I have some questions because after enabling client side authorization by adding below configurations in hive-site.xml on client side, I got