Storage handlers and access to files.

2019-07-25 Thread Kristopher Kane
I'm trying to add protected SSL credentials to the Kafka Storage Handler. This is my first jump into the pool. I have it working where the creds for the keystore/truststore are in JCEKS files in HDFS and the KafkaStorageHandler class loads them into the job configuration based on some new

Announce: MR3 0.9 released

2019-07-25 Thread Sungwoo Park
I am pleased to announce the release of MR3 0.9. New features are: * LLAP I/O works properly on Kubernetes. * SSL(Secure Sockets Layer) is fully supported on Kubernetes. Now one can run HiveServer2, Ranger, TimelineServer, Metastore securely.

Re:LLAP dependent package —— slider compilation failed

2019-07-25 Thread Maria
when I compile slider with command " mvn clean site:site site:stage package -DskipTests ", there is one strange question : [INFO] Generating "Dependency Management" report--- maven-project-info-reports-plugin:2.7 [INFO]

LLAP dependent package —— slider compilation failed

2019-07-25 Thread Maria
Hi, all: I want to use LLAP in our project, as we know it depend on slider. So I began to download the newest slider version(0.92.0)and compile it. BUT I cannot download many dependency packages. SO, my question is :“Is there a compiled package of slider?” Thanks for any reply.