Hi Hive users,

We created MR3 Cloud, a web-based interface for executing Hive on Amazon
EKS and Kubernetes. After specifying parameters in an interactive way, the
user can download YAML files for creating an EKS cluster and Kubernetes
objects. The user can create all the following components at once:
HiveServer2 + Metastore (Hive 3.1.2 + over 600 patches), Ranger, Superset,
Grafana (with Prometheus), MR3-UI (with Timeline).

MR3 Cloud: https://cloud.datamonad.com/
Documentation: https://mr3docs.datamonad.com/docs/cloud/
Quick start guide for Amazon EKS:
Quick start guide for K8s:

Thanks & Any feedback will be appreciated very much.

--- Sungwoo
  • Web-based interface for running Hive on Amazon EKS and Kubern... Sungwoo Park

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