Re: Features in ignite 2.11

2021-05-20 Thread akurbanov
Hi, That's a better discussion for a dev list, it has an active thread on 2.11 release: However, it is always a good thing to search up JIRA for resolved tickets with fix version 2.11, the list is pretty big,

Re: Right Handling of UnRegisteredBinaryObjectTypeException

2021-02-10 Thread akurbanov
Hello Veena, Could you please attach a runnable reproducer project which will showcase the issue and also could you please explain the difference between the case where you do see this exception and the one where you don't. What does exactly "We dont get this exception if we sync any single

Re: Query on ignite-kafka artifact (ignite-kafka-ext)

2020-12-18 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Please refer to the ticket in IGNITE JIRA dedicated to moving kafka integration into ignite-extensions repository: The details for the change and the discussion mail thread are linked to the ticket. >To which version of ignite is this

Re: Restoring partition state for local groups takes very long time

2020-12-17 Thread akurbanov
Hello Naveen, What disks are used to store the persistence and on what kind of environment do you run the cluster? Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Partition eviction failed (current node is stopping)

2020-12-17 Thread akurbanov
Hello Naveen, Could you please post the full log? I suspect that the node where you see this messages was offline for some time and now full rebalance is currently in progress, which evicts partitions at the first stage (based on the "remainingPartsToEvict=331" part). Best regards, Anton --

Re: Node starting error

2020-10-26 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Could you please post full node configuration? -- Sent from:

Re: Data Region's pagesize vs objectsize vs eviction

2020-10-09 Thread akurbanov
Hi, The best candidate for page size would be definitely the block size of the device that you use. I would recommend to make a small test for your deployment setup where you will load some synthetic dataset and choose page size based on this, if you want to be sure that you got the best option.

Re: 2.8.1 : EVT_NODE_RECONNECTED, EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED on the client side

2020-10-07 Thread akurbanov
Hi Veena, I can confirm that there is no SEGMENTED event thrown on 2.8.1. I cannot reproduce catching the SEGMENTED event on 2.7.6. Could you help to reproduce the behaviour or share the log where this event might be noticed? Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: BinaryObject with '.' (dots) in field names

2020-10-02 Thread akurbanov
Hello Scott, Unfortunately, there is no workaround available to safely use dot within BinaryObject field name. I am not aware of any other things, dot seems to be the only one symbol that affects how BinaryObject is aligned. Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: BinaryObject with '.' (dots) in field names

2020-10-02 Thread akurbanov
Hello Scott, I would recommend to stick with the underscore character, as the dot (.) is reserved for the nested object to be referenced in the QueryEntity. When you mark the query entity field with "", it expects that there is an field with name "org" in this object that has nested field

Re: 2.8.1 : INFO org.apache.ignite.spi.communication.tcp.TcpCommunicationSpi [] - Accepted incoming communication connection

2020-09-03 Thread akurbanov
Hello Veena, It would make sense to check for the other node logs, because it's the other node that tries to initiate communication connection with this one. The clue for the reason why is it trying to connect might be in other node log. Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Increase the indexing speed while loading the cache from an RDBMS

2020-08-27 Thread akurbanov
Hi, Which API are you using to load the entries and what is the node configuration? I would recommend to share the configs and try utilizing the data streamer. I would recommend recording a JFR to find where the VM spends most time. Best

Re: Non-loopback local Ips:

2020-08-27 Thread akurbanov
Hi Kay, Most likely it is default Docker gateway between host and bridge network. Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: 2.8.1 : EVT_NODE_RECONNECTED, EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED on the client side

2020-08-04 Thread akurbanov
Hello, This case seems to be correct, it logs the event of client state updated from DISCONNECTED to RECONNECTED because the node succeeded to join the topology back within some time, the node was not segmented from the topology. What timeouts do you use in your nodes configuration? I would

Re: integrated with Ignite and HBase

2020-08-04 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Google immediately gives this repo in search: It's 2017, but could be used as a base for your implementation or give you an idea how to do this. The cache store implementation is very straightforward, you just need to delegate the calls to the

Re: Reconnect is not allowed due to applied throttling

2020-08-04 Thread akurbanov
Hello, This was implemented as a part of Please check the javadocs for the ClientConfiguration class:

Re: Does user thread interruption impact Ignite?

2020-07-31 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Does these exceptions impact the cluster in your use-case? I would say that this should be generally safe to interrupt user threads running on a client side, but it is hard to say if there is any corner case or a critical operation that might lead to cluster being impacted with interrupt.

Re: ignite cache metrics...

2020-07-30 Thread akurbanov
Hello Kay, Yes, get for a key means hit or miss basically. So you should enable cache metrics: And use something like hits/(hits+misses). Would that reflect the metric that you want to look at? Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Work Directory Usage with Persistence Disabled

2020-07-30 Thread akurbanov
Hello Mitchell, Currently the metainformation will be stored on disk with disabled persistence. This is a good question for a discussion on dev list, I would suggest doing so, or I will do it a bit later after a bit of thought. I would also try to set working directory to tmpfs, this might be a

Re: 2.8.1 : EVT_NODE_RECONNECTED, EVT_NODE_SEGMENTED on the client side

2020-07-30 Thread akurbanov
Hello Veena, Could you please double-check if the situation is the same? Reconnected event should be fired if node reconnects with the same id, let me go through the changes that could possibly affect that. Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Clear vs. RemoveAll and application in tests

2020-07-30 Thread akurbanov
Hello Michael, Is that possible to identify what is the source of entries that are left in the cache after clear()? I would suggest to use full cache restart cycle between the tests (destroy/getOrCreate), clearing without existing load should not leave any entries in the cache. How do you use

Re: [WARN] Failed to read magic header log

2020-07-29 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Could you please post the full logs from nodes with full stacktraces and point the exact version of Ignite? Do you have any other applications running that may connect to this IP/port? Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: restart service via service proxy

2020-07-29 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Please take a look on a test code, is that the desired behaviour for your service? Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Severe performance impact to key-value API on an SQL-enabled cache (even with empty QueryEntity configuration)

2020-07-29 Thread akurbanov
Hello, I'll try to do this, but just in case, could you provide (attach or github link) standalone executable reproducer to showcase the observed performance? Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Ignite Backup and Restore

2020-07-07 Thread akurbanov
Hello, What is a data loss in your case exactly? Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: DataRegion size with node start

2020-07-07 Thread akurbanov
Hello kay, The data region memory specified will be allocated as soon as you will start your first persistent cache. Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: CusterGroup topology unexpectedly empty

2020-07-01 Thread akurbanov
Using ignite reference is completely fine. What is the exact exception being thrown in this case? I would expect to see this if the node is out of topology, what does the logs tell? Do other nodes see this one in the topology? Please check if there are NODE_FAILED events for the node on other

Re: Random2LruPageEvictionTracker causing hanging in our integration tests

2020-04-28 Thread akurbanov
Hello, I have not seen this exact stacktrace before, is it possible to provide a minimal reproducer to this, since it seems you are able to reproduce this easily? Also please make sure to provide the full thread dump from the JVM that hangs and the data region configuration as well. What is

Re: Loading Data from RDMS to ignite using Data Streamer

2020-03-24 Thread akurbanov
Since this feels like as a performance question, I would start with identifying the bottleneck in this case. How much data are you going to load from Oracle? What is consuming the most time while streaming, reading data from Oracle or streaming itself? How high the resource usage while streaming

Re: Authenticate at cache-level

2020-03-24 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Could you elaborate your use-case please, what do you mean by "authentication at the cache level", do you mean the storage for users? It is possible to create/store users in SQL in Ignite, but the customization of GridSecurityProcessor is allowing you to store users anywhere, and this

Re: Exporter usage of Ignite 2.8.0

2020-03-24 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Unfortunately, the documentation is not available yet on the website, but you can use org.apache.ignite.spi.metric.opencensus.OpenCensusMetricExporterSpi that comes with ignite-opencensus in distribution: $IGNITE_HOME/libs/optional/ignite-opencensus. The metric exporter should be

Re: How to prevent Ignite downtime when adding tables & caches

2020-02-19 Thread akurbanov
Hello, There is no need to restart the cluster if you want to create a new cache as dynamic cache creation is supported: Do you use native persistence or do you run in-memory? If this doesn't work for you, could you please

Re: Issue with BaselineTopology Branching History

2020-02-06 Thread akurbanov
Hi Mitchell, I'm not really sure whether versioning/branching history is covered anywhere and it looks like it is worth covering. Branching point hash = sum of hashcodes of BLT nodes consistent id's (long). Each time baseline topology changes, the previous value is added to the branching

Re: Page size for large objects

2020-02-04 Thread akurbanov
Hi, This test uses .array().length instead of length() in estimating the size, so I guess that would be the approach to use: Regarding the large objects, you

Re: Exception thrown in K8S deployment

2020-02-03 Thread akurbanov
Hello Isuranga, I can see you are using 2.5.0 in your attempt to start a cluster, I would recommend to try the latest available version, that would be 2.7.6. Please if that is possible, try to provide full logs from cluster nodes instead of screenshots and their configurations, it is extremely

Re: Failed to reinitialize local partitions (rebalancing will be stopped)

2019-12-27 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Is it possible to provide full log? Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Good metrics to assess affinity quality

2019-12-26 Thread akurbanov
Hello Steve, Could you please provide a bit of clarification, what is exactly you are testing when you are talking about different affinities? What is exactly your target, data distribution or affinity function itself? -- Sent from:

Re: Hibernate L2 cache

2019-12-25 Thread akurbanov
Hello Paolo! That is correct, the Hibernate jars are not available in maven central as they are LGPL-licensed and Ignite has Apache 2.0 license. So you have to build them and deploy to your local repository: Best

Re: Visor plugin

2019-12-25 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Unfortunately there is not such thing as Visor plugins (suppose we are talking about ignitevisorcmd), but you can easily understand what needs to be done by checking the source code and commits. Here is a good and clean example of how it might be implemented, check the commit for show

Re: Number of backups of the cache named [ignite sys cache]

2019-12-23 Thread akurbanov
Hi, this is default value for backups for REPLICATED cache mode. This is Ignite internal system cache and it is stored on each node. -- Sent from:

Re: Detect baseline in TopologyValidator

2019-12-11 Thread akurbanov
Hi, I would suggest going through TopologyValidator implementations in test and check out something like: If you want to get the

Re: number of way segments in wal

2019-12-11 Thread akurbanov
Hi, According to mentioned ticket (, this is a critical part of reproducer. Looks like this WAL archive disabling option works for clean WAL currently. I would recommend doing following things: 1. Backup the whole work directory. 2. Remove

Re: JVM crashed - Failed to get field because type ID of passed object differs from type ID this BinaryField belongs to

2019-12-10 Thread akurbanov
Hello, I would also recommend to check which objects are used here, grep through the binary_meta and marshaller (in $IGNITE_HOME/work) directories to identify the classes. You should see x.classname0 files for x equals to both numbers. Are both classes present? Are they used to be stored in same

Re: Topology version changing very frequently

2019-12-10 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Are you able to share full logs from the server and client instances? In short: by default clients can reconnect to the cluster after the network connection was disrupted by anything (network issues, gc pauses etc.).

Re: number of way segments in wal

2019-12-10 Thread akurbanov
Hello, One important question: if you can recall, did you start a clean cluster with WAL /WAL archive pointing to the very same directory, or you have stopped the node without WAL /PDS cleanup and changed this setting? So, when this configuration was applied, were there real WAL segment files in

Re: Ignite Hanging on startup after OOME

2019-12-10 Thread akurbanov
Hi Mitchell, What is the reproducer for the issue, is my assumption correct: no persistence, fill small data region with data, crash, restart? Are you hit with OutOfMemory or exactly IgniteOutOfMemory? Are you able to capture JVM thread dump in this case? Best regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: can't use ignite get() method with error logs

2019-12-10 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Could you please provide the full log for the case, the message seems to be cut. The perfect way would be to provide short reproducer for the thing that you are trying to do. The configuration itself is fine, there is nothing that may break the cluster. Best regards, Anton -- Sent

Re: IgniteOutOfMemoryException in LOCAL cache mode with persistence enabled

2019-12-03 Thread akurbanov
Hi Mitchell, Looks like it could be easily reproduced on low off-heap sizes, I tried with simple puts and got the same exception: class org.apache.ignite.internal.mem.IgniteOutOfMemoryException: Failed to find a page for eviction [segmentCapacity=1580, loaded=619, maxDirtyPages=465,

Re: number of way segments in wal

2019-11-28 Thread akurbanov
Hi, Have just found an issue in Ignite JIRA: Does it fits your case? Seems like this point is crucial: /4)Change the walArchivePath to walPath as it described here: See config2.xml

Re: number of way segments in wal

2019-11-28 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Could you please share the full log? This must shed some light on events happened prior to the issue. I suspect that there is some checkpoint process failure logged, you might look up for occurences of "Failed to process checkpoint" or "Failed to find checkpoint record at the given WAL

Re: Local node terminated after segmentation

2019-11-28 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Basically this is a mechanism to implement custom logical/network split-brain protection. Segmentation resolvers allow you to implement a way to determine if node has to be segmented/stopped/etc in method isValidSegment() and possibly use different combinations of resolvers within

Re: Issue while using transactions in sql apache ignite console grid gain

2019-11-28 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Can confirm that this is not working because multistatement execution is not yet supported by the console/visor. I've tested your case a little with JDBC and it works just fine for the statements you have shared with snippet like this: try (Connection conn =

Re: number of way segments in wal

2019-11-27 Thread akurbanov
Hello, In the case with WAL archive turned off, there might be more that 10 files in /wal folder. It doesn't acts like a ring buffer in this case, the segments are just created in the same folder, but the size should be controlled by DataStorageConfiguration.maxWalArchiveSize (defaults to 4x

Re: Simple SELECT Query giving error

2019-11-27 Thread akurbanov
Hello, It looks like an index was damaged by some operation. What data types are used in mentioned table (the ones that are null)? Were there any recent changes to them? Could you please pinpoint the exact Ignite version that you are using? Also please share the full log for the cluster, looks

Re: Ignite + Spark installation

2019-11-27 Thread akurbanov
Hello Deepak, I would recommend checking the steps described in reply in this thread: There is also a documentation page that covers what needs to be done: As

Re: Does affinity work with cache mode of LOCAL?

2019-11-27 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Cache with LOCAL mode is never distributed between nodes by design. Other nodes doesn't even know that it exists, you can quickly test it by starting two server nodes with simple code that creates LOCAL cache with same name on each node, puts different values for the same key and gets this

Re: Local node terminated after segmentation

2019-11-27 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Please refer to documentation on failure handler: As it is correctly stated, we cannot restart the JVM without external tooling, by default we are doing this for nodes that were started with so that Ignite start

Re: excessive timeouts and load on new cache creations

2019-11-22 Thread akurbanov
Hello, This bug is related to byte arrays in first place, do you store them as values in caches? And yes, PME waits for finishing all pending cache operations and makes cache operations that were started after PME initialization to wait until finish. Reducing the partition map sizes by using

Re: Overriding GridQueryProcessor

2019-11-22 Thread akurbanov
Hi, Unfortunately the GridQueryProcessor was not designed to be pluggable, but it seems to me that among the best option that you might have is to implement PluginProcessor and IgnitePlugin and do it there. Another option is to implement LifecycleBean and rely on AFTER_NODE_START event that is

Re: excessive timeouts and load on new cache creations

2019-11-21 Thread akurbanov
Hello, could you please provide the samples for such timeouts and huge load, how do you measure it? Quick glance shows only one really large VM pause: 2019-11-21T10:28:30.062+: 4734099.138: [Full GC (Allocation Failure) 8169M->3377M(8192M), 8.7213845 secs] [Eden:

Re: Issue while using transactions in sql apache ignite console grid gain

2019-11-21 Thread akurbanov
Hello, what do you use to execute there queries? Could you please try using JDBC and check if it is working there. Also, please share the cache configuration, do you use TRANSACTIONAL_SNAPSHOT? -- Sent from:

Re: Support for Unique columns in Ignite

2019-11-21 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Unique constraints are not yet implemented in Ignite and I would assume they won't be generally available soon enough. The reasoning behind that is in general each put/insert is a distributed insert/put. There are some circumstances under which this operation might happen to be local: if

Re: Seeing this error on ignite - Failed to resolve nodes topology

2019-06-13 Thread akurbanov
What is the exact Ignite version that you are using, steps to reproduce this (what is the job, what operations Ignite is doing)? Also please provide the log file for the node that sees the exception. I can only suggest that exception is thrown from GridDiscoveryManager.resolveDiscoCache, and

Re: Sql query cannot handle special character like ½

2019-06-13 Thread akurbanov
Could you please try starting your java applications with -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 and check if it works? -- Sent from:

Re: Stop JVM on network Segmenation

2019-06-13 Thread akurbanov
How do you start your nodes? Using a shell script or just as an application? -- Sent from:

Re: Custom CompositeCollisionSpi

2019-06-13 Thread akurbanov
You can have only a single instance of collision SPI in the configuration, but this one is pluggable, you can have your own implementation, have the implementation class deployed in the cluster and set it in the configuration via

Re: Is there any way to force recover the cluster - copying running cluster datastore

2019-06-05 Thread akurbanov
Hello, There are no guarantees that you can actually copy data storage from the working cluster under any kind of load. However, if the cluster is idle and no checkpoint is running at the moment, data can be copied to another folder and serve as persistent storage for new cluster. The only thing

Re: Cache Preload from database using IgniteDatastreamer

2019-05-29 Thread akurbanov
There is no so called 'silver bullet' for data streamer parameters that will fit in all or most cases, you should try tuning individual streamer parameters to find out how it affects performance. Also it would be useful to understand is there anything that could be done against GC pressure (tuning

Re: ignite work directory: binary_meta and marshaller

2019-05-29 Thread akurbanov
Yes, these directories should be available for the node, so you should mount the storage with binary_meta and marshaller. -- Sent from:

Re: ignite work directory: binary_meta and marshaller

2019-05-29 Thread akurbanov
Yes, these directories should be on persistent directories that are mounted in k8s. -- Sent from:

Re: Failed to find affinity server node

2019-05-16 Thread akurbanov
Hi, [14:32:52] Topology snapshot [ver=63, servers=0, clients=1, CPUs=8, offheap=0.1GB, heap=1.7GB] Your topology doesn't have any server nodes. Can you please check all the configuration files used in your sample, are there any differences in discoverySpi section? -- Sent from:

Re: sql table names and annotations

2019-01-04 Thread akurbanov
As far as I know, there is currently no way to set custom table name using annotation-based approach. Currently it is possible to do using QueryEntity-based approach, take a look at this example which shows how to create table metadata using QueryEntities in CacheConfiguration:

Re: Data Replication Between Ignite Clusters Through Kafka

2018-12-28 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Well, you have java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/ignite/internal/util/typedef/internal/A as a cause, my guess is that you have different versions of Ignite at compile time and runtime. Could you please verify your dependencies in project or share it? Regards, -- Sent from:

Re: Failed to map keys for cache (all partition nodes left the grid)

2018-12-20 Thread akurbanov
Hi, That means that for a given partition to which given key is mapped, both primary and backup partition nodes are offline. This cache ('users') persistent and you are getting this exception when you have only one node from baseline online. You have to get back both nodes online and call

Re: External multiple config files for Docker installation

2018-12-20 Thread akurbanov
Hi, You can use to include some configuration properties, that is a generic way to do this. As for Jetty config, you should point to absolute or relative to $IGNITE_HOME path: Regards, -- Sent from:

Re: Apache Ignite CPU issue

2018-12-12 Thread akurbanov
Well, could you please tell us a bit more about CPU usage to tell why it is different from expected: share monitoring statistics, what monitoring tools do you use, which processes consume CPU the most? Also, please share jstack thread dumps from all nodes running JVM with Ignite to find out what

Re: Ignite tomee-webprofile-7.1.0-> Start error reporting at Tomee

2018-12-12 Thread akurbanov
If you have Geronimo/JCache dependency in your project, replace it with (for maven, as example): javax.cache cache-api 1.0.0 Regards, -- Sent from:

Re: I encountered a problem when restarting ignite

2018-12-12 Thread akurbanov
Could you please provide logs from all nodes and jstack thread dumps? Regards, -- Sent from:

Re: Ignite tomee-webprofile-7.1.0-> Start error reporting at Tomee

2018-12-12 Thread akurbanov
JCache 1.1 should be supported since 2.7, does it work with 1.0? -- Sent from:

Re: Securing Connection Between Nodes

2018-12-10 Thread akurbanov
Could you provide a bit more details on your use-case? Regards, -- Sent from:

Re: Ignite tomee-webprofile-7.1.0-> Start error reporting at Tomee

2018-12-10 Thread akurbanov
dongxuanyi1 wrote > Caused by: > javax.cache.configuration.MutableConfiguration; local class incompatible: > stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 201306200821, local class > serialVersionUID = 201405 Do you have any differences in cluster nodes setup? JDK

Re: is it possible to override the default username and password when authentication is enabled

2018-12-10 Thread akurbanov
Refer to advanced security section: Currently you have to enable persistence and create/modify users via SQL. Regards, -- Sent from:

Re: GridDhtPartitionsExchangeFuture.waitPartitionRelease issue - Unable to await partitions ?

2018-12-10 Thread akurbanov
Could you please share full logs of these nodes to check if there is nothing else wrong and this is exactly the reason of failure? Clear the disk to free enough space for WAL, what are your WAL settings btw? To reduce disk usage, you may reduce walHistorySize, this should save you some space, also

Re: Securing Connection Between Nodes

2018-12-10 Thread akurbanov
Sure you can do this, just use this as a reference on how to set up any custom sslContextFactory with keystore/truststore to Ignite: Regards, -- Sent from:

Re: Cache Metrics

2018-10-26 Thread akurbanov
Hello, This doesn't sound well, could you give a bit more detail on this case? How many entries did you load (what are the counts), which Ignite version do you use, and if possible a minimalistic reproducing snippet for this issue. Also, .getSize() is deprecated now, are you able to use

Re: Client node get stuck when reconnecting to cluster

2018-10-25 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Partition map exchange is a cluster-wide operation that needs to be finished before cluster becomes operational on a updated topology in your case. It was triggered by node leaving cluster prior to start of the current one. To find out the reason why it hangs please provide logs from

Re: Durable memory with native persistence isssue

2018-10-25 Thread akurbanov
Hello, This seems to be not a performance-related question, the fact that you have mismatch between inserted rows count and count(*) doesn't feel right and seems to be the primary issue to resolve. Could you please give more detail on how you are trying to load your data, what is your node

Re: cotinuousquery -> Requesting mapping from grid failed for [ platformId=1, typeId=1173251103]

2018-10-25 Thread akurbanov
Hello, This issue seems to be raised as you didn't specify binary configuration for your C# type. Since you create your entity via sqlline (actually it doesn't matter where do you create it), Ignite knows nothing about C# type mapping to Java type: /Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Re: Cache access blocked on destroy

2018-10-25 Thread akurbanov
Hello, I would definitely suggest you to upgrade to latest Ignite versions as a vast number of issues has been fixed since 1.9:

Re: Web Console, multiple clusters connected: display of cluster names

2018-10-25 Thread akurbanov
Hello, There is an issue and discussion on dev list for this: As a workaround you may use IGNITE_CLUSTER_NAME environment variable set for all nodes in the cluster to

Re: 2.7 (.net) JavaException: class org.apache.ignite.binary.BinaryObjectException: Invalid flag value: 0

2018-10-24 Thread akurbanov
Hello, One thing, since 2.7 is not released, could you please point out when did you get 2.7, what was the latest commit? Regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Troubles in restarting Ignite with persistence enabled

2018-10-02 Thread akurbanov
Hello Gianluca, There might be a several reasons for this slowdown. Could you please provide a couple of consecutive thread dumps when node startup hangs and a node log? If it is possible, could you do a restart with -DIGNITE_QUIET=false -ea JVM flags? Regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: LRU Evicts Most Recent Entries

2018-10-02 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Could you please share full Ignite configuration? Regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Partition Loss Policy options

2018-10-02 Thread akurbanov
Hello Roman, Correct me if I'm mistaken, you are talking about SQL queries. That was fixed under, primary ticket is, will be delivered in 2.7 release. Regards, Anton -- Sent from:

Re: Problems are enabling Ignite Persistence

2018-09-19 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Could you also set correct path for IGNITE_HOME or set work directory in Ignite configuration to exclude chances for your /tmp directory to be wiped. Regards, -- Sent from:

Re: Problems are enabling Ignite Persistence

2018-09-19 Thread akurbanov
Hello, There are no issues with starting nodes with enabled persistence, your DataStorageConfiguration is fine, are there any other preconditions to be met to face same issue? Could you try to send minimalistic reproducer that shows issue on clean setup? Regards, -- Sent from:

Re: ttl-cleanup-worker got "Critical system error detected"

2018-09-19 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Would you mind sharing complete log for your nodes? Looks like SQL indexes got corrupted or operation was interrupted. Could you also point out exact version of Ignite that you are using? Regards, -- Sent from:

***UNCHECKED*** Re: new CacheConfiguration always returns same instance

2018-09-19 Thread akurbanov
Hello, Why would you expect them to be different in your test? This is not a violation of hashcode general contract. They are calculated using MutableConfiguration .hashCode() from JSR

Re: Configurations precedence and consistency across the cluster

2018-09-18 Thread akurbanov
Hello, What is the use-case that are you trying to achieve? What does "to sync cache configs" mean? IgniteCache.withX returns you cache with a given CacheOperationContext

Re: Configurations precedence and consistency across the cluster

2018-09-18 Thread akurbanov
Hello Eugene, 1. Dynamic cache configuration changes are not supported, except properties that may be overridden with IgniteCache.withX. 2. The first configuration with given cache name will be applied to all nodes. You can use the same IgniteCache.withX to put with different expiry policies per

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