No Error/Exception on Data Loss ?

2017-11-14 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Hi, I have an Ignite cluster with 10nodes. Here is the snippet from one of the ignite server log. >>> [13:03:54] Topology snapshot [ver=11, servers=10, clients=0, CPUs=352, >>> heap=1000.0GB] Now I created a cache with mode PARTITIONED and loaded some data into the cache without

Re: IgniteOutOfMemoryException: Not enough memory allocated

2017-10-19 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Hi Sergey, Changing the configuration to the one you proposed did the trick. I am no longer hitting the OutOfMemoryException error. Thanks. -- Sent from:

IgniteOutOfMemoryException: Not enough memory allocated

2017-10-18 Thread pradeepchanumolu
I am hitting the following exception in the Ignite Client when trying to load data into Ignite Cache. The exception says that the default policy size is 27GB but on the server configuration I have set it to much higher value. Here is the snippet of the server configuration.

Re: Multiple Ignite Clusters using the same Zookeeper cluster

2017-10-06 Thread pradeepchanumolu
TcpDiscoveryZookeeperIpFinder#setBasePath worked. Thanks Alex. -- Sent from:

Multiple Ignite Clusters using the same Zookeeper cluster

2017-10-05 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Hi, Is it possible to create multiple Ignite Grids using the same zookeeper cluster nodes if I am using the Zookeeper based IpFinder to start the Ignite clusters? If yes, how do I configure that? Right now I find all the nodes forming the same Ignite cluster as all the Ignite nodes uses the same

Number of Caches

2017-10-05 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Hi, Can someone help me with this question? 1) Is there any limit on how many caches I can create in Ignite Grid? The reason I am asking this question is because I have a huge Ignite Grid (capacity ~3.5TB Memory) launched on Apache Yarn and I am trying to create like 3K caches with the

Cache size in Memory

2017-10-02 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Hi , Can someone let me know how to get the stats of the cache like how large (like how many MB/GB) is the cache in memory (both on and off heap)? Currently, I can only get number of entries in the cache using the cache.size(CachePeekMode.ONHEAP), cache.size(CachePeekMode.OFFHEAP).

Re: Cache Destroy - Space reclaim

2017-10-02 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Thanks Val !! -- Sent from:

Cache Destroy - Space reclaim

2017-09-29 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Hi, Can someone throw more light on how cache.destroy() api works? Does the cache gets deleted immediately and is the cleared cache memory available immediately for Ignite to use for other caches or new caches? -- Sent from:

ClusterTopologyCheckedException: Failed to wait for request completion (node has left) while loading data into using savePairs method of Ignite Red

2017-09-25 Thread pradeepchanumolu
I am using savePairs method of the IgniteRdd with overwrite set to true. I am hitting the following exception when the loading of data from HDFS to Ignite is happening. Here is the snippet of code: val igniteRDD = igniteContext.fromCache(cacheCfg) igniteRDD.savePairs(inputRdd,

Ignite Context failing with java.lang.NullPointerException: Ouch! Argument cannot be null: cfg

2017-09-21 Thread pradeepchanumolu
I am hitting the following exception when running Ignite with Spark on Yarn. Here is the snippet of the code. The same job runs fine in spark local mode (spark-master: local). Only failing when running on Yarn. val config = new IgniteConfiguration() val tcpDiscoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi()

Re: Ignite Context : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.curator.framework.api.CreateBuilder.creatingParentContainersIfNeeded

2017-09-21 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Thanks Denis for looking into the problem. Here are the dependencies from my build.sbt file lazy val Versions = new { val igniteVersion = "2.2.0" } libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.apache.ignite" % "ignite-core" % Versions.igniteVersion, "org.apache.ignite" % "ignite-spring" %

Re: Ignite Context : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.curator.framework.api.CreateBuilder.creatingParentContainersIfNeeded

2017-09-21 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Thanks Denis for looking into the problem. Here are the dependencies from my build.sbt file val Versions = new { val igniteVersion = "2.2.0" } libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.apache.ignite" % "ignite-core" % Versions.igniteVersion, "org.apache.ignite" % "ignite-spring" %

Ignite Context : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.curator.framework.api.CreateBuilder.creatingParentContainersIfNeeded

2017-09-20 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Hitting the following exception when starting the Ignite context. Here is the snippet of the code. Also double checked that no other curator jars are present in the class path except from the one from ignite. Here are the versions I am using. Apache Ignite : 2.2.0 Apache Spark: 2.1.0 Can

Conflicting cross-version suffixes in: org.scalatest:scalatest, com.twitter:chill, org.apache.spark:spark-unsafe, org.apache.spark:spark-tags

2017-09-19 Thread pradeepchanumolu
I am hitting this error when I add ignite-spark 2.2.0 artifact to by project. [error] Modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in {file://ignite-poc/}ignite-poc: [error]org.scalatest:scalatest _2.11, _2.10 [error]com.twitter:chill _2.11, _2.10 [error]

Re: IGFS Error when writing a file

2017-08-03 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Any update on this ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the Apache Ignite Users mailing list archive at

Re: IGFS With HDFS Configuration

2017-08-03 Thread pradeepchanumolu
I couldn't get it running with the v1.9.0. I bumped the version to the latest v2.1.0 and could get the ignite services up. (Zeppelin only supports v1.9.0 btw) I am attaching my config file to this message. default-config.xml

Re: IGFS Error when writing a file

2017-08-02 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Looks like the files did not get uploaded correctly. I am pasting the contents of the files here. *Ignite default-config.xml *:; xmlns:xsi="; xmlns:util=";

Re: IGFS Error when writing a file

2017-08-02 Thread pradeepchanumolu
Hi Mikhail, Thanks for the response. Here are the details you asked. Spark Version : 2.1.0 Secondary FS : HDFS (Hadoop version : 2.6.0) Ignite Version : 2.1.0 (built from src binaries using command : mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dignite.edition=hadoop -Dhadoop.version=2.6.0 -Prelease