
How do you run or install your service? Can you share a cmd?

I believe you need to use IgniteConfiguration.SpringConfigUrl settings for this 
I.e. <SpringConfigUrl> path </SpringConfigUrl>

Also get a try with CMD args [2]

[1] - https://apacheignite-net.readme.io/docs/configuration#section-spring-xml
[2] - 

From: vladtovbin
Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 9:31 PM
To: user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: ignite.net when started as service not reading spring config

On latest version of apache.ignite. Installed as Windows service on Win 2016.
Added this entry to AppSettings section in Apache.Ignite.exe.config:

<add key="Ignite.SpringConfigUrl"

If I launch apache.ignite.exe via command prompt, it reads the above config
correctly. If I launch from the same location as service, the config file
above is ignored. Confirmed also via looking at the log files, it's not
reading data from the spring config file.

Any ideas?

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