Hi Sathish,

It's completely plausible to use @Given to *setup initial data* for scenarios (just for that). And I'm using this approach since JB 2.0 with annotations and Guice.

My first approach was to use DBunit, but I give it up because I couldn't do all things that was needed ( to use hibernate)... So I've created my own classes for that. Basically, I've created 4 classes: PersinstenceControler, PersitenceContext (where I inject the connection info from a .properties file that I can setup using maven resources), an Generic DAO and an BusinessEntity (that contain metadata info about the entities). All objects are injected on Step classes using Guice.

Unfortunately I don't know springs and I can't give you all the code, but this method of my PersistenceControler can give you an idea how I do to create transactions. Hope can help you:

// this method will insert rows on an Entity Table using a Jbehave ExampleTable
private List<Boolean> createPersistentsObjects(
BusinessEntity businessEntity, EntityExamplesTable objectsTable,
            Class<?> javaEntityClass) {
        if (isFakeMode()) {
            // when on fake mode just return a empty list
            return Lists.newArrayList(true);
        } else {
            List<Boolean> results = Lists.newArrayList();

            for (Map<String, String> objectRow : objectsTable.getRows()) {

                Object javaEntity = null;
                try {

*                    Transaction transaction = getSessionFactory()

/// *this search for the JavaEntity associated with businessEntity on the MetaData Repository
                    javaEntity = searchUnique(buildSearchCriteria(
                            javaEntityClass, objectsTable));

                    if (javaEntity == null) {
                        javaEntity = javaEntityClass.newInstance();


fillBusinessEntityValues(businessEntity, javaEntity,



                } catch (Exception e) {

            return results;



On 27/02/11 15:09, Sathish Kumar wrote:
I have a test like this:

Given I have book ISBN001 that sells at 20 $
Given the discount is 10 %
When i shop for the book ISBN001
Then the price of the book must be 18 $

Is it a good idea to to use JPA/Hibernate to setup test data in @Given?
I cant get Hibernate to work without using AbstractTransactionalJUnitSpringTest. Webapp cannot access data since Transaction in @Given are not committed to DB.

It's more tempting and readable to use data setup in @Given than a dbunit file.
Is there any way to get this working?


On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Brian Repko <brian.re...@learnthinkcode.com <mailto:brian.re...@learnthinkcode.com>> wrote:

    Don't make the tests transactional...that is more for unit testing
    ATDD/BDD/functional testing.  I'll start with a clean database (use
    dbunit but only to wipe the data - or have hibernate/spring startup
    do that) but then let my tests actually hit the database.
    ----- Original message -----
    From: "Sathish Kumar" <sathish...@gmail.com
    To: user@jbehave.codehaus.org <mailto:user@jbehave.codehaus.org>
    Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 21:24:28 +0530
    Subject: [jbehave-user] Test data setup considerations
    Are there any good practices for Test data setup with JBehave.
    I tried the following approaches:

    1. Use DbUnit to setup data and Run scenarios (Works perfectly)

    2. Use builder/factory and Given methods to setup data
    Ex: Given the store has book titled Spring which sells at 20 $
    will internally use BookFactory to persist book and Then will
    check the webapp.

    I haven't had success in the 2nd approach due to Transactions not
    being committed.

    Do you have any suggestions on this?

    Brian Repko
    LearnThinkCode, Inc. <http://www.learnthinkcode.com>
    email: brian.re...@learnthinkcode.com
    phone: +1 612 229 6779

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