I think you are referring to the instance group api extension.

As far as I know, this extension is not supported in jclouds right now. 

If it helps,  the extensions supported for nova in master are here:
From: Martin Eppel (meppel) <mep...@cisco.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 7:26 PM
To: user@jclouds.apache.org
Subject: openstack affinity / antiaffinity in jcouds


I had a question if jclouds currently supports the affinity / anti-affinity 
concept (and more specifically for openstack)  where VMs get deployed either 
co-located on the same compute host or not.

In openstack, affinity / anti-affinity is supported through server-groups, does 
jcloud  support any of the following (openstack specific) nova commands :

    server-group-create         Create a new server group with the specified
    server-group-delete         Delete specific server group(s).
    server-group-get            Get a specific server group.
    server-group-list           Print a list of all server groups.

Secondly, does it support the option in the nova boot command to apply the 
affinity / anti-affinity configuration, for example:

   nova boot --image "image1" --hint group=<group-UUID> ......

If there is a documentation which spells out the support please point me to it


Martin Eppel

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