
Can we use/overwrite HTTP headers such as USER_AGENT when invoking methods like 
BlobStore.putBlob() or we need to specify the BlobRequestSigner and use 
HttpClient instead?
For example, if I want to include the HTTP headers in the following operation:

ByteSource input = ByteSource.wrap(“BLAH”.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

 Blob blob = blobStore







 blobStore.putBlob(container, blob);

Should I use the BlobRequestSigner as follows? Is this the right approach?

 final BlobRequestSigner signer = blobStoreInfo.getBlobRequestSigner();

 HttpRequest request = signer.signPutBlob(container, blob)




    .addHeader(HttpHeaders.USER_AGENT, “custom agent")



 HttpClient httpClient = blobStore.getContext().utils().http());


Thank you,

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