For those that follows this thread:

I found a workaround that was replacing derby with h2 in the pax
exam test (running the test with both PostgreSQL and h2 worked fine, but
PostgreSQL was a bit impractical for a test, so...).

And then, since I need someone should look into it, I opened a github
issue on the problem:

The bug is really weird in that it happens only in the pax exam test,
and not when loading the feature from the karaf command line.

I haven't seen that behaviour before (if it has failed in pax exam, it
has failed in karaf actual as well).

It doesn't fail in the JUnit 5 test either.  I have debugged my way to
the error message.

(The error feels like a race condition, but I haven't seen anything
"thready" between the lock aquisition and the code setting up the

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