Dear all,

I am using Karaf 2.1.0 and want to extend the shell with my own shell-commands.
There's a great tutorial showing how to do this with blueprint.

I was trying to do this with iPojo but did not succeed. That's the sample I was 
trying to run.

public interface SampleTUI {

      // the supported operations on the shell we're extending
      String FUNCTION_STR = "[list]";

      // will be used in the activator to define the namespace within the shell
      String SCOPE = "preserv";

      public void list();


public class KarafSampleTUI implements SampleTUI {

      // the supported operations on the shell we're extending
      public String[] functions;
      // will be used in the activator to define the namespace within the shell
      public String scope;

      //these fields are injected
      //private MyUtils mu;

      @Descriptor("some sample description")
      public void list() {
            System.out.println("testing list");

<ipojo xmlns:xsi="";

      <instance component="sample.addons.api.command.KarafSampleTUI"/>


It perfectly runs within Felix using gogo, but not in karaf (using Felix). Is 
this specific to gogo?
I also had a look at apache\felix\ipojo\arch\ and apache\felix\ipojo\arch\gogo 
but both aren't working in karaf as well.

Thanks for your support,
Kr Andrew

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