Hi All,

I am starting a new thread on this as it is a different error on the last
thread I was on and hopefully to catch the attention of additional persons
that may have expertise with this (sorry for the many emails on this).

I have a NiFi secure cluster that I am using Apache Knox to proxy all
traffic to. This set up has been tested first as an insecure cluster, which
works fine. Switching to the secure cluster though has been a nightmare
with an error that I cannot get past.

*The original error was:*
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed:
sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find
valid certification path to requested target

Adding the keystore.jks and truststore.jks obtained from the NiFi TLS
Toolkit to the Knox gateway.jks keystore got rid of the above error, but
then resulted in a new one.

*This is the new error that I am now stuck at:*
 javax.net.ssl.SSLPeerUnverifiedException: Certificate for <NIFI-IP-ADDR>
doesn't match any of the subject alternative names: [NIFI-IP-ADDR]

The error seems to be misleading as the NIFI-IP-ADDR is in fact in the SANS
within the certificate, as well as the error itself.

On the Knox side, "twoWaySsl" is enabled both in the sandbox.xml as well as
the service.xml (defined in the NIFI service). On the NiFi side, the Knox
identity has an entry in the authorizers.xml file as a User Identity (I did
try adding it as a Node Identity as well just to try something new).

My last thoughts on this were that it potentially had something to do with
either the version of Java or openssl that I am running, but unfortunately
its not much help as I am not sure what would work vs what wouldn't work.
The other thought would be that this may potentially be an issue with the
TLS Toolkit, but it works just fine for the cluster nodes.

Can anyone verify that this setup works? Has anyone set this up with Knox
proxying NiFi over SSL using the self-signed certs via TLS Toolkit (if so,
can you share details on your set up)? I have to missing something here,
but out of ideas on what...

NiFi Version: 1.6.0
NiFi TLS Toolkit Version: 1.6.0
Knox Version: 1.1.0

Java Version:
openjdk version "1.8.0_141"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_141-8u141-b15-3~14.04-b15)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.141-b15, mixed mode)

Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Release: 14.04
Codename: trusty

OpenSSL Version:
OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014

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