发件人: hit_la...@126.com <hit_la...@126.com> 代表 Xiaoxiang Yu
发送时间: 2023年8月2日 17:39
收件人: user@kylin.apache.org; leil...@zqykj.com; 1163629...@qq.com
主题: Re:退订

Hey, to unsubscribe user mailling list, please follow these steps:

First, you need to send any text to 
user-unsubscr...@kylin.apache.org<mailto:user-unsubscr...@kylin.apache.org> .
And you will receive a confirm email with title "confirm unsubscribe from 
user@kylin.apache.org<mailto:user@kylin.apache.org> " in several minutes.

Then, you have to reply (with any text) to that confirm email to confirm your 
unsubscribe request.
You will receiver a final email with title "GOODBYE from 
user@kylin.apache.org<mailto:user@kylin.apache.org>", that is to say you 
finally unsubscribe successfully.

The offical guide : 
https://www.apache.org/foundation/mailinglists.html#request-confirmation .

Best wishes to you !
From :Xiaoxiang Yu

在 2023-08-02 16:53:32,"雷利娜" <leil...@zqykj.com<mailto:leil...@zqykj.com>> 写道:


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