Dear list,

We're currently investigating ways to provision neo4j server instances to PaaS 
providers, e.g. Heroku and Beanstalk.

To show off an impressive application (technologically and visually) would 
really help us to get people interested in trying the Neo4j-Service.

The application should leverage the REST server API and have a suitable domain 
for a graph database. A neat looking UI would be great as well.

Please ping us if you have something like that to share or could provide it 
easily. Technology: Ruby or Java.

Also, if you have any comments wrt to Neo4j Server Hosting, like interesting 
use cases or caveats you anticipate. 
Or if you know some new and shiny PaaS providers that we should look into, feel 
free to reply to this mail. I really appreciate your feedback.

P.S: If you'd be interested in testing Neo4j provisioning for Heroku, please 
ping me (please add your heroku account email, and perhaps some apps that 
you've got running there). 
When our progress allows it we will switch to the alpha-testing stage and
invited interested accounts to join.



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