Hi Neo4j/TinkerPop people,

I am wondering if Neo4j will become more efficient in its representation of RDF 
named graphs now that it has relationship property indexing. Efficient in terms 
of space. If I remember correctly, a quad statement is ?2? neo4j relationships. 
The reason being, there was no way to get the 'g' in 'spog' in an efficient 
(index) manner without such a representation. Thus, without this ?2?-statement 
construction, a getStatements(null,null,null,tg:someGraph) would require a scan 
of all relationships.

Now with being able to index relationship properties, its possible to have

tail_node [value: uri/bnode]
relationship: [graph: uri/bnode] [label: uri]
head_node [value: uri/bnode/literal]
        - See 

For the Blueprints scene, I'm wondering if it would be good to implement Sail 
in Blueprints (we currently have Blueprints implementing Sail). As such, we 
could turn any multi-index graph database into an RDF quad store without 
requiring the multi-index graph database to even support, know about, or 
contribute a Sail implementation... (of course, they would have to have a 
Blueprints implementation).


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