
I have the following attached graph where I have persons who traveled to
some cities.

What I want to find out is, for a given city, for instance Toronto, "the
ones who traveled there, also traveled to these other cities" (in the
attached graph are Tokyo (by Adriano) and Paris (by Peter)).

To retrieve this information, I did the following code:

   Collection<Node> allNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();

Node toronto = db.getNodeById(torontoId); // First I get Toronto node and
its relationships to know who traveled there

Iterable<Relationship> relationships =
toronto.getRelationships(Relationships.TRAVELED_TO, Direction.INCOMING);

for (Relationship relationship : relationships) {

    Node[] nodes = relationship.getNodes(); // For each relationship found,
I all nodes that somehow is related to this relationship

    for (Node node : nodes) {

        Collection<Node> citiesNode = node.traverse(Order.DEPTH_FIRST,
StopEvaluator.DEPTH_ONE, ReturnableEvaluator.ALL_BUT_START_NODE,
Relationships.TRAVELED_TO, Direction.OUTGOING).getAllNodes(); // And finally
I traverse the graph to find to find from theses nodes where the other
people traveled to




Well, with this I can get the results I wanted, however, it seemed to me
that what I did was too complicated :) . So, my question is: "is there any
way to do this traversal in a more straightforward manner?".

Thanks in advance.

Adriano Almeida

<<attachment: graph.png>>

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