Hi, Did we support domain socket between agent and executor in mesos 1.2,0 ?

发件人: Adam Bordelon <a...@mesosphere.io<mailto:a...@mesosphere.io>>
答复: "user@mesos.apache.org<mailto:user@mesos.apache.org>" 
日期: 2017年2月10日 星期五 上午9:56
至: dev <d...@mesos.apache.org<mailto:d...@mesos.apache.org>>, 
主题: Re: Mesos 1.2.0

Good news, everyone!

Mesos 1.2.0-rc1 has been cut, the `1.2.x` branch has been created, and the 
version in `master` was bumped to 1.3.0!
This was delayed due to last-minute blockers and personal issues with the mvn 
gpg plugin. :(
As of now, please set fixVersion to 1.3.0 for any newly resolved tickets 
landing in master.

I won't call for a vote on rc1 because we still need to update the CHANGELOG 
and docs and cut an rc2.
So, if you have any really critical issues landing in the next couple of days, 
you can beg me to cherry-pick them.
And if you haven't written user docs for the major features in 1.2.0, please 
commit those ASAP and notify me.

Current 1.2.0 feature list:
- Container Attach/Exec [NEEDS DOCS]
- Linux capabilities and rLimit support for Mesos containerizer [has docs]
- Support auto backend in Unified Containerizer. [has docs]
- Support docker registry that requires basic auth.[NEEDS DOCS]
- Distributed HTTP(S) and TCP Health Checks [has docs]
- Authz for Agent v1 Operator API [NEEDS DOCS?]
- Teardown unregistered frameworks [NEEDS DOCS?]

Please let me know if I've missed something.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Adam Bordelon 
<a...@mesosphere.io<mailto:a...@mesosphere.io>> wrote:
Mesos 1.2.0 now has 0 blockers left! I'll cut the 1.2.0-rc1 from master 
There are still 6 Critical issues and 16 Major issues with 
targetVersion/fixVersion set to 1.2.0 though.
Finish them before the cut tomorrow, or you'll have to beg me to cherry-pick 
them instead of deferring them to 1.3.

Release dashboard: 

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 3:45 AM, Adam Bordelon 
<a...@mesosphere.io<mailto:a...@mesosphere.io>> wrote:
Mesos 1.2.0 status update:
- 5 
 left: 2 for Anand/Vinod, 2 for BenH/Jie, and 1 for Gilbert/Jie.
- Once I cut the rc1, we'll vote, and likely find other blocker/critical 
bug-fixes to cherry-pick on top for rc2. New features landing in master will 
not be cherry-picked into 1.2.x.
- MESOS-5931<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-5931> (and 
MESOS-6904<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MESOS-6904>) smell like 
"features", so I'll hold off on cutting the rc1 until after they land, 
hopefully by Monday. We're getting so close!

Release dashboard: 

On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 7:02 AM, Adam Bordelon 
<a...@mesosphere.io<mailto:a...@mesosphere.io>> wrote:
Mesos 1.2.0 status update:
- We have 12 
 left, 7 of which are not yet "In Progress", 5 without a Shepherd, 2 Unassigned.
- I don't foresee us cutting an rc1 for at least another week while we work on 
these remaining blockers.
- There are another ~50 issues targeted for 1.2, so squeeze them in this week 
if you can.
- Your help is appreciated a) fixing blockers, b) updating JIRAs, and c) 
documenting your new features.

Release dashboard: 

On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 7:04 PM, Adam Bordelon 
<a...@mesosphere.io<mailto:a...@mesosphere.io>> wrote:
It's about time for Mesos 1.2.0, given our two-month release cadence. I 
volunteer to be release manager, and I'd like to get a new committer or two to 
help out. Any volunteers?

I expect to cut rc1 in early January, once all Blockers (and most Critical 
issues) have been resolved/deferred. Here's how you can help:
- Set Target Version = "1.2.0" for anything that needs to go into this release. 
Anything not critical can wait for Mesos 1.3.
- Upgrade release blockers to "Blocker" priority. Use "Critical" for any issues 
that would be painful (but possible) to ship Mesos 1.2 without.

Mesos 1.2 release dashboard: 


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