Hi all,
Several contributors who are either assignees or shepherds for 1.6 blocker
tickets (myself included) have recently been pulled into some high priority
internal work, so unfortunately I would like to delay the cut of the first
release candidate for Mesos 1.6.0 to ensure that we have adequate time to
resolve all blockers without rushing code in at the last minute.

I'll delay the release candidate by one week, so *now I plan to cut RC1 on
Friday, May 4*.

For those of you working on getting those last 10 blocker tickets merged,
this gives you one more week to do so. Please aim to get all 1.6 blockers
merged by the end of Thursday, May 3.

If you have concerns about the new timeline, feel free to reach out to me
and we can see if accelerating it would be possible.

Thanks everybody, and sorry for the delay!

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