I am not really familiar with how apache projects are managed, so maybe forgive me for asking.

But with this voting, is excluded the possibility that D2iQ is voting against, because with mesos gone more users possible migrate to their 'new' product/service?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 18 February 2021 21:09
To: user@mesos.apache.org
Subject: Re: Next Steps

Some perspective from someone who went through something similar with
Apache Aurora:

It's not as simple as electing new committers. It takes time to develop
the trust needed to add new members to the PMC, and that's the most
important aspect of keeping the project going under Apache (my
opinion/experience). Apache rules dictate that there must be 3 *active*
PMC members at all times.

Anything that the project does requires at least 3 PMC members to give a
+1. What happened to us in Aurora was that we got to a place where
people didn't want to see it die so we kept putting off moving the
Apache version of the project to the Attic and rebooting as a standalone

There were several reasons for eventually moving the project to the
Attic but the most important one being we ran out of folks with enough
history with the project to step into the PMC role. The folks that did
step up, through no fault of their own, did not have the time to
dedicate to the project (I can only imagine Mesos demands way more time
than Aurora behind the scenes).

So all official operations ended up taking for ever due to the challenge
of finding the minimum number of votes, the overhead of writing reports
about the project status (not a huge burden, but someone has to do it),
and eventually, it was impossible to do anything. It was consistently
back to square one and trying to find PMC candidates until none were

And then it basically becomes a bootstrapping problem as Charles-
François Natal is experiencing right now. That is to say, you can't get
new contributors to shepherd into committer and into the PMC if you
don't have an active PMC.

I'm not saying Aurora is/was as popular of a project as Mesos, but I am
saying the reality is that it's hard to find the right folks to take the
reins this late in the game. Especially when so many qualified
contributors are moving on.

Given the circumstances, including Vinod looking to step down and D2iQ
sunsetting Mesos, and with many of the former contributors moving on, I
very much agree with Benjamin Bannier suggestion to move the project
into the Attic.

If someone still has the keys to https://github.com/mesos/ , an option
would be to revive that org and continue quality of life updates to
Mesos there.

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