Release Candidate 2 did not pass, due to MESOS-3025.
I just cut rc3 and opened the vote (in a separate thread).

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 5:20 PM, Ian Downes <> wrote:

> No it doesn't block me (I normally compile without python...).
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Adam Bordelon <> wrote:
>> Ian, is your PythonFramework error a blocker? If so, please file a JIRA
>> and target it to 0.23.0
>> Otherwise, I'm ready to cut rc3 with the fix for
>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 4:11 PM, Marco Massenzio <>
>> wrote:
>>> This seems to be somewhat related to PB 2.4 v 2.5 (what Mesos uses) -
>>> and possibly, indirectly, to Py 2.6 v 2.7 (wild guess here).
>>> The problem with Python is that it's always difficult to figure out
>>> where it goes looking for imports (unless you have a virtualenv and/or
>>> munge sys.path) so it may well be that it finds `mesos.interface` from the
>>> main system site-packages folder (where you may have an old version of the
>>> protobuf libraries) instead of the "correct" (for 2.5.0) place (under our
>>> build/3rdparty/... foders).
>>> As in the other instance, a log dump of sys.path just before the import
>>> *may* shed some light (or add to the confusion).
>>> IMO we should require Python == 2.7 (no idea if we can support Python 3,
>>> my guess is we can't, because of this
>>> <>), but that's probably
>>> another story.
>>> *Marco Massenzio*
>>> *Distributed Systems Engineer*
>>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Ian Downes <> wrote:
>>>> The ExamplesTest.PythonFramework test fails differently for me on
>>>> CentOS5 with python 2.6.6. I presume we don't require >2.7?
>>>> [idownes@hostname build]$ MESOS_VERBOSE=1 ./bin/
>>>> --gtest_filter=ExamplesTest.PythonFramework
>>>> Source directory: /home/idownes/workspace/mesos
>>>> Build directory: /home/idownes/workspace/mesos/build
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> We cannot run any cgroups tests that require mounting
>>>> hierarchies because you have the following hierarchies mounted:
>>>> /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu, /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct, /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer,
>>>> /sys/fs/cgroup/memory, /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event
>>>> We'll disable the CgroupsNoHierarchyTest test fixture for now.
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> We cannot run any Docker tests because:
>>>> Failed to get docker version: Failed to execute 'docker --version':
>>>> exited with status 127
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> /usr/bin/nc
>>>> Note: Google Test filter = <trimmed>
>>>> [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
>>>> [----------] Global test environment set-up.
>>>> [----------] 1 test from ExamplesTest
>>>> [ RUN      ] ExamplesTest.PythonFramework
>>>> Using temporary directory '/tmp/ExamplesTest_PythonFramework_igPnUB'
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File
>>>> "/home/idownes/workspace/mesos/build/../src/examples/python/",
>>>> line 24, in <module>
>>>>     from mesos.interface import mesos_pb2
>>>>   File "build/bdist.linux-x86_64/egg/mesos/interface/",
>>>> line 4, in <module>
>>>> ImportError: cannot import name enum_type_wrapper
>>>> ../../src/tests/script.cpp:83: Failure
>>>> Failed
>>>> exited with status 1
>>>> [  FAILED  ] ExamplesTest.PythonFramework (136 ms)
>>>> [----------] 1 test from ExamplesTest (136 ms total)
>>>> [----------] Global test environment tear-down
>>>> [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (169 ms total)
>>>> [  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
>>>> [  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
>>>> [  FAILED  ] ExamplesTest.PythonFramework
>>>> [idownes@hostname build]$ python --version
>>>> Python 2.6.6
>>>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Vinod Kone <> wrote:
>>>>> I'm assuming the 50 min Jeff mentioned was when doing a 'make check'
>>>>> on a fresh copy of mesos source code. The majority of that time should be
>>>>> due to compilation of source and test code (both of which will be sped up
>>>>> by -j); a sequential run of the test suite should be within 10 min IIRC.
>>>>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 2:40 PM, Marco Massenzio <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> @Vinod: unfortunately, the tests must be run sequentially, so (at
>>>>>> least, as far as I can tell) there's virtually no speedup in 'make check'
>>>>>> by using the -j switch.
>>>>>> As someone else pointed out, it would be grand if we could have a
>>>>>> 'test compilation' step (which can be run in parallel and speeds up)
>>>>>> distinct from a 'run tests' step (which must run sequentially).
>>>>>> *Marco Massenzio*
>>>>>> *Distributed Systems Engineer*
>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Vinod Kone <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> As a tangent, you can speed up the build by doing "make -j<#threads>
>>>>>>> check".
>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Jeff Schroeder <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm unable to replicate the same failure on another up to date RHEL
>>>>>>>> 7.1 machine for some strange reason. Even blowing away the checkout, 
>>>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>>> a fresh clone, and waiting ~50 minutes for make check to finish, it 
>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>> pops. However on my laptop, this test passes fine. Let's chock this 
>>>>>>>> one up
>>>>>>>> to "works on my *other* machine".
>>>>>>>> =============================
>>>>>>>> jschroeder@omniscience:~/git/mesos (master)$ bin/
>>>>>>>> --gtest_filter=ExamplesTest.PythonFramework --verbose
>>>>>>>> Source directory: /home/jschroeder/git/mesos
>>>>>>>> Build directory: /home/jschroeder/git/mesos
>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> We cannot run any cgroups tests that require mounting
>>>>>>>> hierarchies because you have the following hierarchies mounted:
>>>>>>>> /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio, /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct,
>>>>>>>> /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset, /sys/fs/cgroup/devices, /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer,
>>>>>>>> /sys/fs/cgroup/hugetlb, /sys/fs/cgroup/memory, /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,
>>>>>>>> /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event, /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd
>>>>>>>> We'll disable the CgroupsNoHierarchyTest test fixture for now.
>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>> /usr/bin/nc
>>>>>>>> Note: Google Test filter =
>>>>>>>> ExamplesTest.PythonFramework-DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Launch_Executor:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Launch_Executor_Bridged:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Launch:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Kill:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Usage:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Update:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Recover:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_SkipRecoverNonDocker:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Logs:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Default_CMD:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Default_CMD_Override:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_Default_CMD_Args:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_SlaveRecoveryTaskContainer:DockerContainerizerTest.DISABLED_ROOT_DOCKER_SlaveRecoveryExecutorContainer:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_NC_PortMapping:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_LaunchSandboxWithColon:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_DestroyWhileFetching:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_DestroyWhilePulling:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_ExecutorCleanupWhenLaunchFailed:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_FetchFailure:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_DockerPullFailure:DockerContainerizerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_DockerInspectDiscard:DockerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_interface:DockerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_CheckCommandWithShell:DockerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_CheckPortResource:DockerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_CancelPull:DockerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_MountRelative:DockerTest.ROOT_DOCKER_MountAbsolute:CpuIsolatorTest/1.UserCpuUsage:CpuIsolatorTest/1.SystemCpuUsage:RevocableCpuIsolatorTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_RevocableCpu:LimitedCpuIsolatorTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Cfs:LimitedCpuIsolatorTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Cfs_Big_Quota:LimitedCpuIsolatorTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Pids_and_Tids:MemIsolatorTest/0.MemUsage:MemIsolatorTest/1.MemUsage:MemIsolatorTest/2.MemUsage:PerfEventIsolatorTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Sample:SharedFilesystemIsolatorTest.ROOT_RelativeVolume:SharedFilesystemIsolatorTest.ROOT_AbsoluteVolume:NamespacesPidIsolatorTest.ROOT_PidNamespace:UserCgroupIsolatorTest/0.ROOT_CGROUPS_UserCgroup:UserCgroupIsolatorTest/1.ROOT_CGROUPS_UserCgroup:UserCgroupIsolatorTest/2.ROOT_CGROUPS_UserCgroup:MesosContainerizerSlaveRecoveryTest.CGROUPS_ROOT_PerfRollForward:MesosContainerizerSlaveRecoveryTest.CGROUPS_ROOT_PidNamespaceForward:MesosContainerizerSlaveRecoveryTest.CGROUPS_ROOT_PidNamespaceBackward:SlaveTest.ROOT_RunTaskWithCommandInfoWithoutUser:SlaveTest.DISABLED_ROOT_RunTaskWithCommandInfoWithUser:ContainerizerTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_BalloonFramework:CgroupsAnyHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Enabled:CgroupsAnyHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Subsystems:CgroupsAnyHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Mounted:CgroupsAnyHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Get:CgroupsAnyHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_NestedCgroups:CgroupsAnyHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Tasks:CgroupsAnyHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Read:CgroupsAnyHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Write:CgroupsAnyHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Cfs_Big_Quota:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithCpuMemoryTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Busy:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithCpuMemoryTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_SubsystemsHierarchy:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithCpuMemoryTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_FindCgroupSubsystems:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithCpuMemoryTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_MountedSubsystems:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithCpuMemoryTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_CreateRemove:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithCpuMemoryTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Listen:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithCpuMemoryTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_FreezeNonFreezer:CgroupsNoHierarchyTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_NOHIERARCHY_MountUnmountHierarchy:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithCpuAcctMemoryTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Stat:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithFreezerTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Freeze:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithFreezerTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Kill:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithFreezerTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Destroy:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithFreezerTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_AssignThreads:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithFreezerTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_DestroyStoppedProcess:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithFreezerTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_DestroyTracedProcess:CgroupsAnyHierarchyWithPerfEventTest.ROOT_CGROUPS_Perf:CgroupsAnyHierarchyMemoryPressureTest.ROOT_IncreaseUnlockedRSS:CgroupsAnyHierarchyMemoryPressureTest.ROOT_IncreasePageCache:MemoryPressureMesosTest.CGROUPS_ROOT_Statistics:MemoryPressureMesosTest.CGROUPS_ROOT_SlaveRecovery:NsTest.ROOT_setns:NsTest.ROOT_setnsMultipleThreads:NsTest.ROOT_getns:NsTest.ROOT_destroy:PerfTest.ROOT_Events:PerfTest.ROOT_SamplePid:SchedTest.ROOT_PolicySelf:SchedTest.ROOT_PolicyChild:SlaveCount/HierarchicalAllocator_BENCHMARK_Test.AddAndUpdateSlave/0:SlaveCount/HierarchicalAllocator_BENCHMARK_Test.AddAndUpdateSlave/1:SlaveCount/HierarchicalAllocator_BENCHMARK_Test.AddAndUpdateSlave/2:SlaveCount/HierarchicalAllocator_BENCHMARK_Test.AddAndUpdateSlave/3:SlaveCount/HierarchicalAllocator_BENCHMARK_Test.AddAndUpdateSlave/4:SlaveCount/HierarchicalAllocator_BENCHMARK_Test.AddAndUpdateSlave/5:SlaveCount/Registrar_BENCHMARK_Test.Performance/0:SlaveCount/Registrar_BENCHMARK_Test.Performance/1:SlaveCount/Registrar_BENCHMARK_Test.Performance/2:SlaveCount/Registrar_BENCHMARK_Test.Performance/3
>>>>>>>> [==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
>>>>>>>> [----------] Global test environment set-up.
>>>>>>>> [----------] 1 test from ExamplesTest
>>>>>>>> [ RUN      ] ExamplesTest.PythonFramework
>>>>>>>> Using temporary directory '/tmp/ExamplesTest_PythonFramework_MpN6OV'
>>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>   File
>>>>>>>> "/home/jschroeder/git/mesos/src/examples/python/", 
>>>>>>>> line
>>>>>>>> 25, in <module>
>>>>>>>>     import mesos.native
>>>>>>>> ImportError: No module named native
>>>>>>>> tests/script.cpp:83: Failure
>>>>>>>> Failed
>>>>>>>> exited with status 1
>>>>>>>> [  FAILED  ] ExamplesTest.PythonFramework (75 ms)
>>>>>>>> [----------] 1 test from ExamplesTest (75 ms total)
>>>>>>>> [----------] Global test environment tear-down
>>>>>>>> [==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (113 ms total)
>>>>>>>> [  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
>>>>>>>> [  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
>>>>>>>> [  FAILED  ] ExamplesTest.PythonFramework
>>>>>>>>  1 FAILED TEST
>>>>>>>> =============================
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 2:03 PM, Jie Yu <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Jeff,
>>>>>>>>> Can you use --verbose during testing and paste the log?
>>>>>>>>> - Jie
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Jeff Schroeder <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone else see this python failure, or am I just testing
>>>>>>>>>> something incorrectly?
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:33 PM, Jeff Schroeder <
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> -1 (non-binding) The Python test
>>>>>>>>>>> ExamplesTest.PythonFramework still fails on RHEL7, unless building 
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> mesos native Python package isn't part of make check.
>>>>>>>>>>> It pops on an ImportError for mesos.native
>>>>>>>>>>> See here for more details:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Wednesday, July 8, 2015, Adam Bordelon <>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello Mesos community,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mesos 0.23.0.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 0.23.0 includes the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Per-container network isolation
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Dockerized slaves will properly recover Docker containers
>>>>>>>>>>>> upon failover.
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Upgraded minimum required compilers to GCC 4.8+ or clang 3.5+.
>>>>>>>>>>>> as well as experimental support for:
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Fetcher Caching
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Revocable Resources
>>>>>>>>>>>> - SSL encryption
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Persistent Volumes
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Dynamic Reservations
>>>>>>>>>>>> The CHANGELOG for the release is available at:
>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> The candidate for Mesos 0.23.0 release is available at:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The tag to be voted on is 0.23.0-rc2:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The MD5 checksum of the tarball can be found at:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The signature of the tarball can be found at:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The PGP key used to sign the release is here:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The JAR is up in Maven in a staging repository here:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Mesos 0.23.0!
>>>>>>>>>>>> The vote is open until Wed July 15th, 14:00 PDT 2015 and passes
>>>>>>>>>>>> if a majority of at least 3 +1 PMC votes are cast.
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Mesos 0.23.0
>>>>>>>>>>>> [ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Adam-
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Text by Jeff, typos by iPhone
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Jeff Schroeder
>>>>>>>>>> Don't drink and derive, alcohol and analysis don't mix.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Jeff Schroeder
>>>>>>>> Don't drink and derive, alcohol and analysis don't mix.

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