

I sent my first update command to Solr with 1.1 and an earlier problem persists:


SEVERE: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: ERROR: multiple values 
encountered for non multiValued copy field id: 


Well, i didn't load Nutch' shipped schema.xml into my running Solr instance 
because it's customized and i haven't configured Nutch to add more new fields. 
Anyway, the ID field shouldn't be multi valued.


The shipped schema.xml [1] has no multi valued ID as it should be. The shipped 
solrindex.xml [2], however. does a copyField from URL to URL and it causes more 
than 1 value for the ID field. Why would a copyField have the same source and 
destination anyway?


So i removed the copyField and it works again. Should this be fixed in svn?







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