I have recently moved my calendars from Google to my own ownCloud installation 
which works fine. I now want to move my task lists from Google as well and have 
a couple of questions:

- Google maintains the task lists separate from my Google calendars but in 
ownCloud they are part of one or more calendar. Is this correct?

- If correct, this means that i have to create calendars for Bills, Supermarket 
items etc.? I do understand that I can decide which calendars are visible.

- When migrating tasks from Google, I can use Google Tasks Backup to export 
tasks. I then have to manually edit this ics-file, splitting the various task 
lists into separate ics-files depending on which calendar I want to import them 
into, and finally importing into one owncloud calendar at one time.

- There is a Tasks app for owncloud, my understanding is that I only need to 
install it if I want to create/edit tasks when in owncloud. As I plan to do 
this from several phones and tablets running Android as well as Linux desktops 
and laptops using the Lightning extension to Thunderbird to do so, hence no 
need to install the owncloud Task app.

Is my understanding above correct or did I miss something? Comments and 
suggestions appreciated!
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